Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Well, I hope that is a compliment! LOL!
*pause* (Side note)
Of course! Hey, anybody's game right?
Some of these quotes made me ponder, some are just downright hilarious, but they are all equally brilliant in their own right. In fact, some are so funny, I still have a little coffee in my nose from this morning. This thread has been medicine for me. I can still go back and enjoy it all over again.
My coworkers have been wondering why I suddenly burst out with laughter for no apparent reason.
It's "mission accomplished" as long as everyone is getting their daily smile.
Anyways, if someone has a beef with your quote, well, just let me know who I need to kill.
We shouldn't read too much into these, 'cuz last time I got pinched, it still hurt. If Brother Epley only knew what he was missing...I suppose some folk don't understand that the middle "F" in AFF is the most important ingredient!
Ahem...carry on.