Originally Posted by Ferd
I firmly believe that the life is in the blood. that is the life of the soul. based on that I dont think the pill is a problem.
It also leaves some room for the morning after pill.... however, the morning after pill is a protection for the stupidity of unprotected sex for someone not married. (I assume that married people either have a plan in place, want lots of children or are pretty dumb.
I am not a fan of being supportive to making sinful (and dangerous) activity more available. Thus the morning after pill for me is less about aborting a living soul, than it is about promoting dangerous sexual activitiy.
I believe you have fallen prey to a wooden literalism in your interpretation of life in the blood dealing w/ conception ...
It's pretty interesting to hear a conservative as yourself believe that a fetus/embryo apparently does not have soul to it's third week.
I'd agree that some may use this as a an excuse for wreckless behavior ... not just singles but married persons who are unfaithful ....
Yet how does one legislate this ... Ferd ... in one breathe you acknowledge there's room for it ... but your are worried about it's abuse ....
Does the pharmacist ask for a marriage license ... when dispersing it ... or does the doctor ask for one ....? Imagine the ramifications for that one ....
The ACLU would be all over it ... and where does that stop .... w/ other contraceptive also?
Lots of nuances here that's for sure.