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Old 09-18-2008, 06:37 AM
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

Originally Posted by marthaolivia View Post
Has anyone heard of tattoos on women, especially on the lower back, being referred to as 'tramp stamps'?. When I was younger I wanted a rose tattooed on my ankle. I'm glad now that I didn't get it done. Most of my grown grandchildren have tattoos. They say they are making a statement. I would prefer that they speak instead!
LOL - I agree! I personally do not like tattoos. I hope my son never wants to get one.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:39 AM
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I AM considering one..... But just haven't found the "the one" I want to carry for the rest of my life. After 20 years of looking, I still haven't found it.
and you probably won't.
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:08 AM
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

I think tattoos are stupid and most wish they didn't have them in later years.

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Old 09-18-2008, 11:37 AM
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

One of my thoughts for a tattoo is getting my daughters feet print from her birth certificate tattooed on my upper arm maybe with her birthdate or name. Also thought about a cross I also thought to get the word "Greatness lies within" on me too. I am not going to do all of these and may do none but these are some of the one I am thinking about
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Old 09-18-2008, 02:07 PM
Tyk Tyk is offline
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

I had thought about getting tattoo(s). One in the middle of my back, or one on my shoulder blade(s). Saying something about Commitment to God or something. And hey, no one but my family or my (future) wife would likely see them.

They are just so.... permanent. Hard to decide what you wouldn't mind being written on yourself, forever.

And as to the scripture.... What a weak argument, and the spirit that usually accompanies those that use that argument is far worse.
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Old 09-18-2008, 02:08 PM
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

Originally Posted by Tyk View Post
I had thought about getting tattoo(s). One in the middle of my back, or one on my shoulder blade(s). Saying something about Commitment to God or something. And hey, no one but my family or my (future) wife would likely see them.

They are just so.... permanent. Hard to decide what you wouldn't mind being written on yourself, forever.

And as to the scripture.... What a weak argument, and the spirit that usually accompanies those that use that argument is far worse.
You can take them off though. So it is actually not permanent.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 09-18-2008, 02:13 PM
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

If I get one, It will be permanent.
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Old 09-18-2008, 02:18 PM
Jeremy Jeremy is offline
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

I actually love tattoos and always have. I think it is an interesting medium of expression, and it is always interesting to see what different things mean to various people. The tough guy who needs skulls to represent his machismo, the moron kid who gets an anarchy symbol, failing to realize he would not last a week in a lawless society, or the grieving dad who gets a dragon fly to remember weekends at the lake with his son who has passed away.

Some people are obnoxious, ignorant, or quite thoughtful about what, when, and how they decide to tattoo themselves.

I personally never got one, because of the Leviticus verse about marking or cutting yourself, but it was mostly to conform to church standard as I never really felt that verse had any modern contextual application. The reasons have already been debated, so I won't go into those, but I have done a good deal of study on the issue, and there is no way people can honestly use the bible to condemn a person for getting a tattoo.

You can argue the wisdom of such a decision, as you could with any personal choices people make, but there is no Biblical reason a Christian can not have a tattoo.

I actually want to get a stained glass window with a cross in the middle. The glass design and frame would be very intricate and lavishly beautiful, while the cross would be totally out of place with a simple wood grain. The bottom of the window would be cracking with pieces falling out.

For me, this symbolizes how we try to over complicate and distort the simplicity of the gospel, and the death burial, and resurrection of Christ for our sins.

It might seem simple or silly to most, but I like the idea. Not sure it is something I want forever though, and I don't have the money and likely wont for a long time, so I have not got it.

Plus my mother in law has a really huge problem with it. She HATES tattoos and that is the only thing she has really ever got super upset with me about. I have asked her to give me a Bible study on why they are wrong, and she can't so she gets upset. She has just had it so ingrained into her that they are wrong, Biblical basis no longer matters.
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Old 09-18-2008, 02:30 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

I don't know if someone brought this up, but that verse in Leviticus has 2 commands, no cuttings on the body for the dead or making prints on the body. I'd be interested to see if the "print" making referred to here had some pagan connotation in mourning for the dead. Does this mean you can't get a tatoo that says "Grandpa" when your Grandpa dies? I don't know. It would seem that we're not bound by the letter of the law, but when we take into account the principle of caring for the body, and glorifying GOD in our bodies, it seems that tattooes post-conversion are not wise (notice I didn't say damnable here, because I don't know that for sure), but it would seem to be something that a Christian ought not do.

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Old 09-18-2008, 02:30 PM
Tyk Tyk is offline
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

Awesome idea and depth of thought Jeremy.
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