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Old 02-13-2007, 03:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Steadfast View Post
I somehow hear the echoes of a Carly Simon song that says, "Your so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

For the record, I don't hate your posts. I have always figured you played devil's advocate on certain issues pertaining to various standards (you seem to give it away in certain infrequent posts). I technically like your reasoning on some issues.

As for 'floaty', high minded stuff? Trust me, what I am is what I am 24/7. In the words of that spiritual powerhouse Popeye, "I am what I am" and if one doesn't care for that, well... I'm not intimidated too easy and really don't give it a lot of concern. Obviously I, like everyone else, want to be liked but it's not the fuel that drives my actions.

There are many times I don't respond to certain posts - from most anyone - because it wouldn't be worth the 'strife' it 'gendered.' In this instance, however, I simply thought a compliment to Falla would be in order in that through every post I've ever seen her offer us it's been done with a kind spirit.

We need more of that.

I feel awkward that I have to justify a complimentary post to someone it wasn't even addressed to but I still maintain I was justified in offering her my compliment as it was a true statement.

Carp... I'm going to like you in spite of yourself.
mmmmmbl'ss his heart!!
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Old 02-13-2007, 12:25 PM
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Let's see what 'Spiritual Wisdom' we really have Available

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
My dear Bro. Malvaro,

For whatever reason or however it happened, evidently I DID

misunderstand your post!! And for that I am VERY SORRY! Please

accept my sincere apologies.

That is why it is so good to communicate whether it be

understanding each other better or even misunderstanding. If

we misunderstand we need to acknowledge this. Keep the doors

of communication wide open!!!! I LOVE DIALOGUING!!!

Blessings dear Brother,


Bro. Malvero,

Am I forgiven for misunderstanding your post!!!


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Old 02-13-2007, 12:37 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
how about a sheepee?
um...I am not sure how to respond to that.

...maybe you could take it over to the I Love You thread...

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Old 02-13-2007, 12:38 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Jekyll View Post
mmmmmbl'ss his heart!!
We both know what that means...
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Old 02-13-2007, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Steadfast View Post
Bro. Christenson,

Rather than go into a lengthy dialogue leading into another 'famous' hair standards thread let me 'cut' (pardon the pun) to the chase by telling you that I am, indeed, one of those who preach uncut hair is important. It is my conviction and one that I have maintained throughout my ministry for the Church I Pastor.

Should someone else cut their hair then I'll leave that to their Pastor but I find that cutting your hair as rebellion to the teachings of your spiritual Shepherd sinful. Yes. Obviously some will launch upon that like rabid wolves on fresh Pastor but my conviction remains the same. The beautiful part is that it's not 'her Pastor's conviction' at this point... but her own valuable heartfelt conviction. The same kind of conviction that so many of us should have about so many things.

However, I'm not 'trapped' as you seem to imply because I understand the spirit of the law was greater than the law itself. I have found unique and valuable guidance in my perusal of this matter and am VERY comfortable that she had every right to salvage what 'glory' she had left.

For the record, the issue (as stated before) was taken care of today. It was breathtaking how God facilitated the solution in her life. I'm a very passionate preacher and very direct in my approach to teaching God's Word. I'm not, however, the kind to humiliate people nor do I take pleasure in embarrassing anybody.

However, this morning I was teaching a lesson in a series I put together called "Protecting Our Relationships". Basically, after an extended fast I began to studying some prophecy thinking that I may teach on the end times. When I listed all the scriptures that I retrieved the Lord pointed out a fact that amazed me: over 75% of everything spoken dealing with the end time had to do with relationships.

I taught several weeks on 'Protecting your Relationship with God' and for the last three weeks have taught on 'Protecting your Relationship with the Church'. I dealt with everything from critical Saints to racism and was ready to close... when suddenly the Spirit of the Lord rushed in with yet another wave of anointing. My heart began to pour out the need for us to be 'flexible' in our experience and that - even with our firm, fixed message - we need to be flexible enough to deal righteously with those things for which there is no 'easy' biblical answer.

God smote my heart and I immediately called this precious Sister up and explained her dilemma which had gone on for over 4 months. I spoke of how the same God that proclaimed the Sabbath should be 'kept holy' told them to 'remove the ox from the ditch - even on the Sabbath! Though not according to custom it WAS in line with 'keeping it holy'. What, under normal circumstances, would be forbidden became in that unique situation an act of holiness itself. Do we slam our fist down and scream, "Condemn them!" Absolutely not because the spirit of the law exceeded the law itself.

Before it was over this precious Sister was lost in the Spirit and the entire Church was on their feet weeping, talking in tongues and sincerely hugging each others' necks. God, in that one moment, built a fence around this precious Saint that salvaged her mind from condemnation and God gave us a first hand lesson on 'Protecting your Relationship with the Church' that most will never forget. It was simply overwhelming.

Ironically, there were many women that joined her this afternoon when she did cut the knot out. They delicately moved little by little retrieving as much of the hair as they could and there wasn't a dry eye in the room as this sister sat there speaking in tongues on and off for over 3 hours. What was thought would end up being practically 'shaved' ended up leaving about 8 inches... enough that she (of her own desire) found a perfect 'clip on' type hair piece and could fix it up.

When I left the Church tonight she was still dancing around the altar.

Enough said.
Bro. Steadfast,
This brought tears to my eyes! I appreacite your spirit in this matter.
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

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Old 02-13-2007, 02:42 PM
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Br. Steadfast - you have proven to be a true Shepard to the flock. I am in awe of the workings of our Great God while reading this. He truly is the Master of every storm.
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Old 02-13-2007, 03:55 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Blubayou View Post
Br. Steadfast - you have proven to be a true Shepard to the flock. I am in awe of the workings of our Great God while reading this. He truly is the Master of every storm.
I just found this thread...amen Blubayou...I could not have said it better!
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Old 02-13-2007, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Bro. Malvero,

Am I forgiven for misunderstanding your post!!!


yah, but only if you start spelling my name right.... its Malvaro....
"Rules without relationship lead to rebellion." Dr. James Dobson

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Old 02-13-2007, 04:15 PM
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Let's see what 'Spiritual Wisdom' we really have Available..

Originally Posted by Malvaro View Post
yah, but only if you start spelling my name right.... its Malvaro....
Bro. Malvaro,

Thanks, I can do that!!



Last edited by Falla39; 02-13-2007 at 04:18 PM. Reason: Wasn't finished with post.
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Old 02-14-2007, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
Well, in some cases maybe, however there is absolutely no scriptural precedent or mandate to describe the situation that occurred above, regardless of the fact that it was described as a deep seemingly spiritual event. This leads me to believe that the cultural values and tennants transcended scripture.

For that matter, I could make any activity spiritual if I were surrounded by my bretheren, speaking in tongues...like watching the Superbowl perhaps. (This is an extreme example of course meant to get under the skin of those very tight-skinned )

This was a beautiful occasion in which I am sure many were blessed but don't go so far as to say it was a biblical event. It was the manifestation of a culturally religious value being validated by a spiritual event.

I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, as long as it is recognized for what it is.

What happens if a piece of gum is caught in a poor dears head? I can see a bunch of teenagers just testing the slope and precedent.
Here's another "what if". Now that God has revealed thru the message that steadFast preached, that this sister could cut her hair because of the situation.

Viewed as medical, although certainly not life or death.

Medically, many sisters suffer headaches fromt he weight of their long uncut locks.

Some have been instrcted by their doctor to trim some ot the length to lighten the weight or the pull on the root system.

We find in II Sam 14:26 of a man who once a year cut his hair because it was heavy.

Surely we can a have a little wisdom here if God led our friend Steadfast to declare it was OK for this sister to cut her hair, then surely the sister who suffers headaches from carry the weight of her long locks is OK to cut.

We can do this in the fellowwship hall with prayer and tongue talking to make it seem more palatable for those who dis agree. That will make it something beautiful..will bring tears to the eyes of many.

So what do think.....it's Ok for the Sis with her hair knotted is it ok for other reasons? Ya just can't have it both ways
God has lavished his love upon me.
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