Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
What did you think about the story of Brother C. P. Thomas caught away?
In Brother Stoneking's testimony concerning C. P. Thomas Brother Stonking directs his listeners to his comment that they should believe it because its Biblical? Wouldn't you agree that Brother Stonking is giving validation to the story by claiming the Bible reinforces Brother C. P. Thomas' event of being beamed over to his living room?
In the clip, Stoneking says he was introduced to Thomas by Stan Gleason and his wife who have been to India and participated in crusades with him.
I refer back to what Billy Cole said about not telling some of the things which God did overseas because we wouldn't believe him. It could well be that Thomas is telling the truth and our lack of faith and American arrogance and distrust keeps us from believing these things.
Look, if God was able to take Philip away from the desert in a whirlwind, and if He's able to open the jail doors for Peter, and if He's able to shake the jail and free prisoners when Paul and Silas were in jail -- if He could do it then, He could do it now.
I'm as skeptical as others with this. It sounds fanciful. But I don't want to say it can't happen, because to say that would be to cast doubt on the Bible and things God performed in the past.
Was Jonah
really swallowed by a great fish? C'mon, that sounds preposterous! Was Elijah
really caught away? Ridiculous.
Here's another one...was Mary
really a virgin mother who gave birth to a Savior? That sounds a bit far fetched.
In fact, the whole Jesus crucified and rising from the dead story should be investigated as well.