Originally Posted by Sasha
Personally, I don't have much respect for people who preach strongly against TV but have the internet.
These people that are supposedly so "holy" that preach against TV but have the internet on some kind of a pedistal, are to me, some of the WORST hypocrytes imaginable!
Not saying you have to go to a "dirty" site with nudity on the internet...you CAN go to a clean site that has no nudity, but at the SAME TIME....there IS a channel switcher on a TV too!
Yes there is a lot of garbage on TV...BUT THERE IS WAY MORE GARBAGE ON THE INTERNET!
These people that are so "Holy" had better wake up and smell the coffee!
If you are going to preach against the dangers of ONE...at LEAST try to be FAIR and preach against the dangers of the other too!
That is the very least you can do!
And all of THIS coming from someone in the UPCI for over 20 years!