Originally Posted by Truthseeker
Many do teach the flesh will literally be changed.
I still say it will for those whose bodies are still intact in the earth.
If the old flesh is not used then what is physically be resurrected??
I already said that a physical body can be made by the Lord from nothing, but a physical body is the overall point of the prophecy. ("With what body do they rise?") A body is a CONTAINER of soul and spirit. The container cannot be the containee. The BODY is a house. It HOUSES. If the new body is SPIRIT, then how can a SPIRIT HOUSE anything?
When we die do we not go to God?
We go in soul and spirit, but not body. That is why
2 Cor 5 says we are naked outside the body before it says we are absent from the body when we die. The context can only convey the thought, therefore, that for a time our state of being in nakedness until resurrection, but the resurrection will see us CLOTHED.