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Old 06-21-2012, 06:01 PM
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

I contemplated posting a new thread, but I did a quick search and found this one.

I'm very familiar with Dr. Jeffers. The last time I saw him, was in November of last year he did a Mens Conference in Tulare, CA.

This video will bless you. Dr. Jeffers preached this in 2007 at BOTT in Alexandria, LA.

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Old 06-22-2012, 08:45 AM
kerry kerry is offline
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

I have heard Dr. Jeffers at least 10 times at our church. He was there alot a few years ago but has somewhat fallen out of favor. He was a little odd and he one time preached a message at a ladies conference about becoming gods. That did it for me. Not a fan.
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Old 06-22-2012, 09:03 AM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

I really hesitated about posting and stirring this pot that has set cold for a while... but...

One thing we must remember that all false doctrine, all false teaching will always have some truth mixed in... some favorable and honorable things mixed in. But once leaven enters in, the whole house has issues.

I have set under the minister of Dr. Jeffers twice. Once in 2010 at The Sanctuary in Lebanon, TN. That night he preached a wonderful message, it was powerful, and there was much truth in what he taught.

My pastor at the time, Jack Batson, then booked him to come to his church. I attended the services, until Dr. Jeffers preached a few items that honestly are straight out of the Word of Faith movement and no where near Scripture.

He preached that we are eternally past beings.... and that is not in the Word. He also preached the "little Gods" theology which is Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, etc hogwash.

I sat there folks. I heard it with my own ears. I left that church as my home church because the leadership allowed that teaching in the pulpit.

I would never publicly come into this forum and say something was said from a minister unless I had heard the whole message, and heard it in full context. He follows some doctrines that are complete heresy and off the wall. He has some dangerous teachings that he is involved with, and I would encourage anyone that enjoys their first dose of him to dig deeper... because there is some leaven in there that is ruining the whole house.
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Old 06-22-2012, 11:24 AM
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins View Post
I really hesitated about posting and stirring this pot that has set cold for a while... but...

One thing we must remember that all false doctrine, all false teaching will always have some truth mixed in... some favorable and honorable things mixed in. But once leaven enters in, the whole house has issues.

I have set under the minister of Dr. Jeffers twice. Once in 2010 at The Sanctuary in Lebanon, TN. That night he preached a wonderful message, it was powerful, and there was much truth in what he taught.

My pastor at the time, Jack Batson, then booked him to come to his church. I attended the services, until Dr. Jeffers preached a few items that honestly are straight out of the Word of Faith movement and no where near Scripture.

He preached that we are eternally past beings.... and that is not in the Word. He also preached the "little Gods" theology which is Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, etc hogwash.

I sat there folks. I heard it with my own ears. I left that church as my home church because the leadership allowed that teaching in the pulpit.

I would never publicly come into this forum and say something was said from a minister unless I had heard the whole message, and heard it in full context. He follows some doctrines that are complete heresy and off the wall. He has some dangerous teachings that he is involved with, and I would encourage anyone that enjoys their first dose of him to dig deeper... because there is some leaven in there that is ruining the whole house.
Amen! Glad you were able to share your personal experience.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 06-22-2012, 11:32 AM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Amen! Glad you were able to share your personal experience.
My pappaw was a preacher for over 40 years... and never said a bad word about anyone.. just not his nature. He was a forceful preacher, at 6'5" and 325, I saw him split a pulpit in half preaching once... tough man, but a teddy bear in treating people right. He would always say, especially about other preachers, eat the meat and spit out the bone.

I've tried to emulate that, with little success, over my life. I try to not judge a preacher by one or two beliefs he has in contrast to mine.

But there are times when someone veers so far from truth and what the Word says, that a man must just sound off and say, this is dangerous stuff.

The Little God's teaching, is a dangerous teaching that tickles ears, and overlooks our place and God's place. No matter what you package it in, even in an Apostolic Oneness cover, it's still false teaching.
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Old 06-22-2012, 11:41 AM
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins View Post
My pappaw was a preacher for over 40 years... and never said a bad word about anyone.. just not his nature. He was a forceful preacher, at 6'5" and 325, I saw him split a pulpit in half preaching once... tough man, but a teddy bear in treating people right. He would always say, especially about other preachers, eat the meat and spit out the bone.

I've tried to emulate that, with little success, over my life. I try to not judge a preacher by one or two beliefs he has in contrast to mine.

But there are times when someone veers so far from truth and what the Word says, that a man must just sound off and say, this is dangerous stuff.

The Little God's teaching, is a dangerous teaching that tickles ears, and overlooks our place and God's place. No matter what you package it in, even in an Apostolic Oneness cover, it's still false teaching.
I agree and I think it's wrong to turn your eyes/ears away from these teachings when you know they are wrong.

I hope that others are able to see and make sound decisions about having him speak.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 06-22-2012, 11:41 AM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

Well, false teachings are like dirt daubers. They keep adding and adding until they have their tidy little nest just the way they want it. Then it is taught as if it is truth.

Many of our churches are like that and many of us don't even know that false teachings have been instituted into the doctrine because it has been handed down that way for decades.
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Old 06-22-2012, 11:47 AM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

Originally Posted by AreYouReady? View Post
Well, false teachings are like dirt daubers. They keep adding and adding until they have their tidy little nest just the way they want it. Then it is taught as if it is truth.

Many of our churches are like that and many of us don't even know that false teachings have been instituted into the doctrine because it has been handed down that way for decades.
I"m too old now... too crotchity.... too ornery.... too set in my mindset... to let someone convince me the Word says something it doesn't. I handed over 18 years of ministry in a work that I considered family, and lost a ton of friends and loved ones in my life to pursue Biblical Integrity and Truth in my life... and I'll stand for what I see in the Word and have a clear conscience before the Lord before I'll ever bow again to the current flavor of popularity.

There are UPD, ALJC, and other churches that think Dr. Jeffers is the best thing since sliced bread... and I saw people taking everything the man said like it was from the throne room itself. This man is so talented in his presentation, and stirs just enough truth into the pot to make it so appetizing.... I see many swallowing all he has to offer without question.

I don't believe in rebellion, pray for unity, and believe there are offices set up for the equipping of the church... but higher than any preacher, any bishop, any denom, organization, or current hyped up trend stands the authority of the Word of God... and it will stand when this world is on fire.

And this man is out of the book...
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Old 06-22-2012, 11:50 AM
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

I hope the UPC has opened their eyes!
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Old 06-22-2012, 11:58 AM
Dagwood Dagwood is offline
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Re: Dr. Gerald Jeffers

Originally Posted by BroJoe View Post
I contemplated posting a new thread, but I did a quick search and found this one.

I'm very familiar with Dr. Jeffers. The last time I saw him, was in November of last year he did a Mens Conference in Tulare, CA.

This video will bless you. Dr. Jeffers preached this in 2007 at BOTT in Alexandria, LA.

"Now, you talkin' about a strange situation, the gentleman I'm bringing to you now, Dr. Jeffers, I'd never heard him preach. That's a scary thought, isn't it?"

Wow. As much respect as I have for Bro. Mangun, I'm rather shocked that even he would have someone with the amount of controversy behind him as stated just in this thread come and "preach" for his congregation, not to mention the fact that he's never heard him preach before.

I mean, that's what I heard him say. What more evidence is needed to be skeptical?
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