Originally Posted by nathan_slatter
Good point... I think we often forget that Jesus wasn't Christian, Pentecostal, nor Apostolic... he was Jewish.
Jesus didn't travel outside of his place of birth by over about 50 miles or so. Wherever He went, He was like all other men of His day.
I believe that when Paul said he became all things to all men, this means that he adapted to their cultural norms and societal laws. So, if he went to a culture where men wore headcoverings, he wore one also. If culture called for him to cover his arms to the wrist, he did so.
Paul was big on not being a stumblingblock. He didn't see anything wrong with some things, like eating meat offered to idols, but if it was going to cause someone to stumble or be offended, then he said don't do it.
I believe that if Paul went to a society where men didn't shave their heads, then Paul would have grown his hair long enough to where it didn't have a shaved appearance, even if he preferred that look for himself (if that's truly how he felt, I don't know, just throwing things out there).
If Paul went to a society where men grew beards, I believe Paul grew one.
I don't believe Paul joined them in their sin, as some believe Keith and I are suggesting. That's NOT what Paul meant in any way. However, I do believe that in his travels, he adapted to the culture in dress and behavior as to be like them to win them.
It's not different than what Jesus Himself did.