Originally Posted by Twisp
Hey, I was just responding to you. Obviously, when someone calls you on a blatant untruth spoken by you, you feel the need to resort to belittling. Not the path I would have chosen, but I guess whatever works for you.
Still waiting for you to show us where "Obama himself has come right out and said that he did "lie" to Joe Wilson, the Joint Session of Congress and everyone of us".
I'm still baffled at how you could have read this thread and my exchange with "Light" and not picked up on his initial antagonism and propagandizing. Your failure to put my responses in that context gave me the opinion that your were being obvious about your own agenda as well.
Your refusal to link the health care debate with health care coverage for illegal aliens makes you appear to be disingenuous. That is, until you seemed to almost boast of it. That made me question your sobriety.
You struggled earlier with posters who tried to show you how HR 3200 could still be used to circumvent the proposed amendment you also cited and provide medical coverage to "illegals."
Then, today it's reported that the President has announced a plan to grant amnesty to those illegals, thus making them eligible for federally funded health care after all.
Originally Posted by pelathais
And the President did lie. There was just the "complexity" of a blanket amnesty to illegal aliens that he failed to mention. If he had added that part during the national speech - then Obama would not have lied. As it stands this morning: Obama lied.
The President lied in that he deliberately mislead the Congress of the United States. Barack Obama is a Harvard trained lawyer. He knows that as an officer of the government of the United States, to withhold information that he knows to be relevant to any testimony is perjurious. The circumstances of a Presidential address do not lend themselves to a court room like setting, and so the rules are different.
But morally, it's the same. He lied. He knows it. He deliberately lied to you and me. You don't really care. It kind of bothers me.
His lie was the little shell game he's playing - "Now they're "illegal"... now they're not... "
If you had "called me on a blatant untruth" I'd be concerned and want to investigate. On the other hand, if you attach such a level moral supremecy as you want to display to such a sleazy political stance as you've shown - then I'm more concerned about you.