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Old 04-01-2008, 01:38 PM
Antipas Antipas is offline

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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
And who's paying for the religious schools?

FWIW, I've always homeschooled my kids. Until this last year. I did not choose to be a single parent. I did not choose to be left to support 4 kids alone. I did homeschool them for 2 years after my divorce. I am not, however, capable of doing everything. I can not afford religious school, I can not afford to homeschool. They're in public school for now, and most likely will be for a good while.
I mean this will all love and respect sis... and I feel that most would agree.

YOU, as a parent would pay for the religious education.

I know that it's hard to raise kids alone. But that's a reality many women have to face. We pray for you and perhaps a church school can offer you a break on tuition.

As a Christian I don't think it's right to take my tax money to fund a public school where poor welfare parents can send their children and pay nothing. And it makes matters worse when these public schools teach our kids ungodliness. The problem is that the government forces every parent to send their kids to school. The Government should back off and if parent's can't afford to home school or send their children to religious schools they should pull their kids out and educate them through life experience at home.

It's just another socialist system. I hear parents complain about the cost of education. But how often to they eat out? How much are they paying for internet access, television cable packages, that new car they bought when they should have bought used? It's all about priorities.
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Old 04-01-2008, 01:53 PM
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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by James Griffin View Post
Personally my God is greater than the school system. My kids not only went to public school, they thrived.

They were involved in Bible studies and prayer groups.

The first year my daughter attempted to sing a Christian song in the talent show, they tried to stop her and only backed down after threat from a lawsuit from yours truly.

By her senior year nearly half of the songs were overtly Christian.

Jesus did not call us to an isolationist lifestyle and hide behind monastery walls.

IF you think the local school system is corrupt, take it back.

My God is able.

Thank you!!!

My daughter also thrived all the way through public schools and like yours was involved in the Bible and Christian clubs. She was influential in her high school in many ways, and she never backed down from her faith.

What are we teaching our children about how to live their walk with God in this world if we isolate them from it completely until they are grown? What, and them throw them out to the job market? That, to me, is unreasonable.

My daughter also lived on a college campus for two years before deciding to change her major and move back home. Was I worried? Yes, but only about her safety, I knew that her walk with God would survive, because it wasn't based on her surroundings.
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Old 04-01-2008, 01:57 PM
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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
Thank you!!!

My daughter also thrived all the way through public schools and like yours was involved in the Bible and Christian clubs. She was influential in her high school in many ways, and she never backed down from her faith.

What are we teaching our children about how to live their walk with God in this world if we isolate them from it completely until they are grown? What, and them throw them out to the job market? That, to me, is unreasonable.

My daughter also lived on a college campus for two years before deciding to change her major and move back home. Was I worried? Yes, but only about her safety, I knew that her walk with God would survive, because it wasn't based on her surroundings.
True. I will probably lose a lot of brownie points for saying this, but I went to JCM with a lot of sheltered PKs who totally fell apart with finally faced with the real world.

I would go slightly farther. What are you teaching them about personal evangelism by hiding them?
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Old 04-01-2008, 01:58 PM
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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by ChTatum View Post
Hard to believe ain't it, brother. It is a sad commentary on our society.

On the lighter side, since they are in Alabama, are they cousins too?

Going up in the Spirit Realm....
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Old 04-01-2008, 02:03 PM
Antipas Antipas is offline

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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

How can a parent justify sending their child to the public school system where they will be indoctrinated to embrace homosexuality and socialism? To save money? I'd think a parent would do without internet access, cable television, that new car, and that expensive house in the suburbs so they could send their child to a Christian school.
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Old 04-01-2008, 02:09 PM
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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by James Griffin View Post
True. I will probably lose a lot of brownie points for saying this, but I went to JCM with a lot of sheltered PKs who totally fell apart with finally faced with the real world.

I would go slightly farther. What are you teaching them about personal evangelism by hiding them?
I'm with you on the first point. However, the Holy Ghost gives us power to be witnesses, and Jesus didn't start His ministry until He was in His 30's. (Well, there was that time when He was 12... ) If a child isn't Spirit filled, then does he have the power to be a witness?

Children are not our personal ambassadors to the world. We would do better to set a good example by being involved in the community, in charities, and other good works.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
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Old 04-01-2008, 02:10 PM
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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by Antipas View Post
How can a parent justify sending their child to the public school system where they will be indoctrinated to embrace homosexuality and socialism? To save money? I'd think a parent would do without internet access, cable television, that new car, and that expensive house in the suburbs so they could send their child to a Christian school.
That simple eh?
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Old 04-01-2008, 02:23 PM
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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by Antipas View Post
I mean this will all love and respect sis... and I feel that most would agree.

YOU, as a parent would pay for the religious education.

I know that it's hard to raise kids alone. But that's a reality many women have to face. We pray for you and perhaps a church school can offer you a break on tuition.

As a Christian I don't think it's right to take my tax money to fund a public school where poor welfare parents can send their children and pay nothing. And it makes matters worse when these public schools teach our kids ungodliness. The problem is that the government forces every parent to send their kids to school. The Government should back off and if parent's can't afford to home school or send their children to religious schools they should pull their kids out and educate them through life experience at home.

It's just another socialist system. I hear parents complain about the cost of education. But how often to they eat out? How much are they paying for internet access, television cable packages, that new car they bought when they should have bought used? It's all about priorities.
Eat out? Not often, at all.
Internet access? $26 a month, that I'd do without if I wasn't also a full time student.
Cable tv? None.
New car? I have zero car payment. My insurance is also very low, not enough coverage to be honest, but it's cheap until something happens.

Priorities only work when there is actually money to work with.

$800 only goes so far, it does *not* include private education. It doesn't include food or childcare expenses either (two of the three welfare things I actually use). It definitely doesn't include the cost of childcare if I kept my kids home and still had to go to class and work two jobs. And don't talk to me about welfare, socialism. I hate using the government's money with every fiber of my being, but at least it hands out some. That's far more than the churches and Christians around here do.

FWIW, public school costs far more than homeschooling ever did. I can't pay it, so my kids end up taking advantage of welfare and scholarships and teachers pay out of their own pockets for the things I'm supposed to be paying for. I don't like that, at all. It makes me angry that it costs more to take advantage of the free public school system than it ever did to stay home with my kids. It makes me crazy that the government will pay up to $1200 a month for childcare so I can attend school and work, but will not pay me $800 so I can stay home and raise my own children.

And, since I'm getting out some angst, might as well go for it all in one place. Do you have any idea how empty the promise that you'll pray for me really is? There are a few years of struggle packed into this thought here, I'll try to be easy on you, but really. EMPTY. Worthless. Beyond frustrating. "Don't use welfare, but we won't help you either. But we will pray for you!". Um, don't bother. Please. Wouldn't want you to overextend yourself.

I apologize if you're one of the very rare people who actually do go out of your way to help people, that's not what I'm reading into your posts though.

BTW, we agree on the government control of the education system. I don't believe education is a government responsibility. I'd love to see that responsibility returned to the parents. I also don't think that tax money should be used to support things that the tax payers are opposed to. But really, that's not even the root of the problem.
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 04-01-2008, 02:28 PM
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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by Antipas View Post
How can a parent justify sending their child to the public school system where they will be indoctrinated to embrace homosexuality and socialism? To save money? I'd think a parent would do without internet access, cable television, that new car, and that expensive house in the suburbs so they could send their child to a Christian school.
You are using the same logic my ex uses. He stopped sending child support, then got angry when I put them in public school (1.5 years later btw). I'm supposed to stay home and educate them, pay the rent, keep food on the table, clothes on their backs, without using the government (cuz they're chasing him for child support..go figure). I'm also not supposed to use childcare or work, and definitely not go to school.

Can you explain please, how this works? I'm pretty good with money, but I just can't make it add up no matter how hard I try.
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 04-01-2008, 02:29 PM
Antipas Antipas is offline

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Re: Lesbian Teens Allowed At Prom -Scottsboro, AL

Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
Eat out? Not often, at all.
Internet access? $26 a month, that I'd do without if I wasn't also a full time student.
Cable tv? None.
New car? I have zero car payment. My insurance is also very low, not enough coverage to be honest, but it's cheap until something happens.

Priorities only work when there is actually money to work with.

$800 only goes so far, it does *not* include private education. It doesn't include food or childcare expenses either (two of the three welfare things I actually use). It definitely doesn't include the cost of childcare if I kept my kids home and still had to go to class and work two jobs. And don't talk to me about welfare, socialism. I hate using the government's money with every fiber of my being, but at least it hands out some. That's far more than the churches and Christians around here do.

FWIW, public school costs far more than homeschooling ever did. I can't pay it, so my kids end up taking advantage of welfare and scholarships and teachers pay out of their own pockets for the things I'm supposed to be paying for. I don't like that, at all. It makes me angry that it costs more to take advantage of the free public school system than it ever did to stay home with my kids. It makes me crazy that the government will pay up to $1200 a month for childcare so I can attend school and work, but will not pay me $800 so I can stay home and raise my own children.

And, since I'm getting out some angst, might as well go for it all in one place. Do you have any idea how empty the promise that you'll pray for me really is? There are a few years of struggle packed into this thought here, I'll try to be easy on you, but really. EMPTY. Worthless. Beyond frustrating. "Don't use welfare, but we won't help you either. But we will pray for you!". Um, don't bother. Please. Wouldn't want you to overextend yourself.

I apologize if you're one of the very rare people who actually do go out of your way to help people, that's not what I'm reading into your posts though.

BTW, we agree on the government control of the education system. I don't believe education is a government responsibility. I'd love to see that responsibility returned to the parents. I also don't think that tax money should be used to support things that the tax payers are opposed to. But really, that's not even the root of the problem.
If you hate receiving government help don't accept it. Christians are always beating their chests about being so "conservative" and then compromise and pay with the system. Stand your ground no matter what it takes.
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