Originally Posted by Praxeas
I personally do not care of LW has a homosexual disposition as long as he is repented of it and keeps it under the blood. Is he openly gay? Does anyone know for a fact LW has continuing homosexual relations? How many of us were fornicators and adulterers and if not for walking with the Lord could slip back into that lifestyle?
Prax... this is the problem here.
LW had a very well known and visible ministry.
When he fell into moral failure it was also became widlely known (within Apostolic /UPC circles primarily)
Therefore, if he has indeed repented, it is fair to expect him to
at least once make some kind of public admission of wrongdoing and repentance. From all that we know,
that has not happened... not in front of any church... not by a statement on his website... nothing.
Until LW publicly acknowledges his sin and the error of his ways, it is natural that Bible-believing saints will be skeptical of his "ministry". New Testament teaching is very clear that unrepentant "saints" should be treated as outcasts by the rest of the body, until they repent of their sinful ways. (Matt 18/
1Cor 5)
We would hold a minister of the word to that standard. Why shouldn't a prominent "minister" of music be held to a similar standard?