Originally Posted by MrsBOOMM
My Grandmother had her whole funeral planned from beginning to end. It made it very easy on the family, as she discussed with us the things she wanted before she went. I know that probably does not happen often as people don't always get the chance to do that.
And, I do understand your question of the song at the end being preplanned. But do you really think that would be an appropriate time to play a celebration song? Do you think it would go over while people are paying their last respects? Have you seen it done this way before?
In college, as part of my coursework, I had to take a class on Death and Dying. One of the things we had to do was "plan our funeral." What we wanted and everything. Had to discuss why we wanted this and so forth. So..yes, I have my funeral already put together. Down to who I want to speak and who I want to sing and what songs I want them to sing.
As for a celebration song at the end....I think it depends on the person. My partner at work says she wants the last song at her funeral to be "I'll Fly Away." She wants no sad music...upbeat. I have been to a couple funerals where the last song was an upbeat song. I didn't see anything wrong with it.
Have you been to a TRUE black church homegoing service???? You might as well have CHERCH!