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Old 06-15-2018, 02:34 AM
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Re: A Handmaids Tale

It is interesting that almost no one wants to discuss the pros/cons of living under mosaic law.

From Wikepedia:

Theonomy, from theos (god) and nomos (law), is the idea that Mosaic law should be observed by modern societies. Theonomists reject the traditional Reformed belief that the civil laws of the Mosaic Law are no longer applicable. This idea is not to be confused with the idea of "theonomous ethics" proposed by Paul Tillich.
Either everyone thinks Mosaic Law would be grand, or more likely that Esaias would out debate them on it. If we could clone Bro Esaias and put all of them in charge it might work.

I personally think that until the wicked are destroyed depraved men can not govern themselves justly.

The Israelites were not able to make mosaic law work, and I don't think there has every been a successful theonomic society, correct me if I am wrong.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
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Old 06-15-2018, 05:15 AM
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Re: A Handmaids Tale

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
It is interesting that almost no one wants to discuss the pros/cons of living under mosaic law.

From Wikepedia:

Either everyone thinks Mosaic Law would be grand, or more likely that Esaias would out debate them on it. If we could clone Bro Esaias and put all of them in charge it might work.

I personally think that until the wicked are destroyed depraved men can not govern themselves justly.

The Israelites were not able to make mosaic law work, and I don't think there has every been a successful theonomic society, correct me if I am wrong.
Again, the Bible nowhere promises that unregenerate man will or can govern himself with perfect righteousness. Thus, the very need for law and government (otherwise you'd have total criminal anarchy). So the question then is, "What kind of government shall we have, what Law will we follow? Law invented by corrupt men, or Law delivered by God Himself?" For we will have Law of one kind or the other, that is certain.

Let's suppose society went theonomic. This of course presupposes that at least a large portion of society was voluntarily seeking to live according to Biblical law. Would there be unjust men who get into positions of power? That is entirely possible.

Consider the church. The church is supposed to be governed by the Word, is it not? Can unjust men get into positions of authority in the church? Obviously, the answer is "Yes, it is possible". So then should we say that because of that, the church should just avoid the Bible as its charter, and let's allow men to just make up the rules as they see fit?

The church's role is, among other things, to inform people of the Will of God. Therefore, in a theonomic society, if rulers depart from the Word, violate the Word, or administer law unjustly, it is the church's job to loudly and effectually proclaim the Truth of God. Now, isn't that what we are supposed to be doing anyway?

So, would you prefer to live in a society whose law system is based on the Bible? Or whose law system is based on some antichrist philosophy?

People think a theonomy would mean the Presbyterians would be burning apostolics at the stake. And since nobody in America (presently) has lived with real genuine persecution, we think this "democracy" we have is what guarantees our freedom from persecution. But the only reason America was a haven against persecution was because America was majority Christian (professing Christian). The last several decades have seen a shift in that area. America is no longer a majority Christian nation. America is a thoroughly humanist nation. And what do we see? We see the beginnings of persecution. Christian bakers being drug through the legal system for refusing to promote perversion. And so forth. This is just the beginning. Yet our political system hasn't changed. the political system we have in place ALLOWS for such things.

If the US "supreme law of the land" was the Bible, that baker never would have got sued, gay marriage wouldn't ever be on the ballot, trannies wouldn't have any chance at getting the bathrooms all mixed up, there wouldn't be perv-ed education in your schools, there wouldn't be a prison industrial complex, and a lot of other things.

As it is, because we have a humanist society with a humanist law system, we will eventually have persecution. It's just a matter of time. And they will use "muh consteetooshun" to support it, you watch. They already use our political system to promote perversion, abortion, and silencing Christians in the public sphere. How is this better than theonomy?

"Oh, but under a theonomy, persecution is guaranteed." Really? EVERY INSTANCE OF PERSECUTION against Christians was committed under non theonomic societies. The Inquisition? The catholic church most explicitly denies "sola scriptura" and claims Church Magisterium as the supreme law. That is anything BUT theonomy.

The problem is, people have been taught that "politics is over here, and Jesus and going to heaven is over there", and "never the twain should mix." Now, who would come up with such an idea? Why, anyone who wanted to rule over men that's who. Because the Word of God brings freedom. Someone once said "It is impossible to enslave a Bible believing people."

There's a reason the enemies of all things good and decent want to make sure Christianity is marginalised. the very reason given for outlawing the Ten Commandments from public schools was "If they are posted and read, they might be believed. And if they are believed, they will be followed." In other words, the reason you have "separation of church and state" and no Ten Commandments and no (Christian) prayer in public schools is because the humanists are afraid people might start obeying God. That's what they are against, ultimately.

But as I said, none of this is even remotely feasible, until Christians start getting serious about preaching and teaching that God actually expects obedience. We've got to quit making "religion" some kind of private personal affair that only really matters on your deathbed, and get back to the reality - this Gospel is the Way, Truth, and LIFE.

Unfortunately, way too many have bought into a defeatist mentality that all we can do is pine away about how bad things are but hope to make the rapture. We need to jettison that heretical nonsense and understand, we are in the business of promoting the KINGDOM. A real, bona fide, KINGDOM. Not of this world system, it's not humanism, it's not vain human philosophy, it's Divinely Ordained and empowered by the Spirit of God.

If you look closely at the Book of Acts, and early church history, you'll find the apostolic church was literally a Holy Ghost subversion of corrupt society. There was no violent revolution needed, or force of arms, people were converted to Christ and began to follow Him, and as they spread they "turned the world upside down".

Let's get ready to turn the world upside down.
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Old 06-15-2018, 07:07 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: A Handmaids Tale

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Murder is down from what?
Down to almost what they were in the 50's and 60's?
And I could not confirm what you posted about abortions and the Clinton era.
The link I have here does not show either of the trends you stated.
I was basing my abortion numbers off of what I read from the Guttmacher Institute.

Here's a report from 2017:

U.S. Abortion Rate Falls To Lowest Level Since Roe v. Wade
January 17, 2017ˇ8:01 AM ET

I believe the most significant drop in abortions prior to this was like 1997, under President Bill Clinton. But that was some time ago. Most recent data I have is above.

I believe the NRA keeps statistics showing that gun violence has actually dropped in recent years, in spite of media coverage throwing it in our faces 24/7.

I don't have a lot of time to look. Just sharing some things I found interesting.
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Old 06-15-2018, 07:21 AM
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Re: A Handmaids Tale

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
Your missing the point. All that is common sense Aquila. You openly support a party that is for these things. If you vote for someone who is for these things openly you become approving. I vote for no one but I could never in good conscience vote for anyone who was pro abortion or gay marriage because they have set theirself up as a bonafide opposition to God Almighty. In being for what God doesn't approve of.
People are going to do what they do that's not the point. But we shouldn't create a platform for them to do anything in the name of Love. That love is sensual and only a 4 letter word. Because God is love and that policy is in opposition to what He's made clear He is against. So then you fall Into what is warned of in Romans 1:27-32 for it is clear in verse 32 "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." The Bible has said these things are worthy of death, and you don't have to be a sodomite to "approve and take pleasure in those who are", in this case approving of those who support these evils.
Even voting for those who support these evils even making provision for it, in which you are saying I am for that also.

This isn't about people in sin and stopping anything this is all about being opposed to God. And supporting those who are openly opposed to God and His perfect law. They don't have to say "I am against God" their policies cry that.

Ok I'm done I know this conversation is your candy stick. But if you can't see this IDK.[/QUOTE]

That is unfair. If one votes GOP are they voting in support of every position held by the GOP? I don't support everything in the Democratic Party .

I'm actually more libertarian than liberal. But I do break ranks with many libertarians primarily when it comes to healthcare (https://www.americanthinker.com/arti...or_univer.html). I know that I bash corporations pretty hard, but if you pay close attention, I'm only showing my dislike for corporate welfare, tax evasion, and increased corporate power over the individual.

Gay marriage....

I don't believe the government should be regulating who private individuals marry. In fact, I'd rather see the government get out of the marriage business and allow marriage to return to the private domain of contracts and common law. One should note how marriage has gone down hill since the government got involved.


Abortion is a very difficult issue. But at the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves... do we want the government to have full authority over a woman's womb without regards for a woman's sovereign right over her own body? Because a government that can force a woman to give birth against her will can force her to abort against her will. I'm more comfortable with choice, and striving to assist women with the issues they face, than I am with increasing governmental authority over a woman's body. Imagine if the government had this kind of control over a man's body and could fine or issue jail time if a man chose to engage in actions to prevent pregnancy or birth control when being intimate with a woman. It's creepy. While many see abortion as a life or death issue, as we do, the authority to make such choices are best left in the hands of the individual. So, I feel the choice is best left in the hands of the mother.

These positions are not positions that are FOR gay marriage or FOR abortion. These positions are an "anti-government power" over individual's and their bodies position.

Last edited by Aquila; 06-15-2018 at 07:40 AM.
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Old 06-15-2018, 07:22 AM
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Re: A Handmaids Tale

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Aquila says let it go, don't try to control others... while arguing for and supporting policies that do exactly that.

Sounds like a verified Tokyo Rose, if you ask me.
Who and what do I wish to control?
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Old 06-15-2018, 07:43 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: A Handmaids Tale

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
It is interesting that almost no one wants to discuss the pros/cons of living under mosaic law.

From Wikepedia:

Either everyone thinks Mosaic Law would be grand, or more likely that Esaias would out debate them on it. If we could clone Bro Esaias and put all of them in charge it might work.

I personally think that until the wicked are destroyed depraved men can not govern themselves justly.

The Israelites were not able to make mosaic law work, and I don't think there has every been a successful theonomic society, correct me if I am wrong.
I see theonomy as essentially making America a, "Christian Afghanistan". And I reject it whole heartedly.
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Old 06-15-2018, 07:47 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: A Handmaids Tale

I believe that liberty in itself is holy. Even if men and women choose to do what is evil, their liberty to do so is a sacred thing. Because the very same liberty affords them open opportunity to come to Christ without coercion or force, allowing for authentic conversion.

A theonomic society would create a society of millions abiding by religious law purely to survive and not be executed by the right-wing Dominionists. Most conversions would be merely to survive.

And I think in the end, the theonomists would think it was great... until theonomists they didn't agree with assumed power.

Liberty. Liberty is a holy thing, regardless of the choices free men might make.
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Old 06-15-2018, 09:36 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: A Handmaids Tale

I would like to mention that the only times in history that a theocratic/theonomist philosophy was the rule of law we saw the Dark Ages. We also saw the austerity filled society of John Calvin's, Geneva.

Both were abysmal failures.

The social libertarian model of government is rather tried and true. Here are examples of current governments that embrace a more social libertarian philosophy:
1.Hong Kong
5.New Zealand
9.The United Kingdom
I think Switzerland, Canada, or Denmark would be more preferred to John Calvin's Geneva. In fact, these nations ranked above the United States in the order presented above in the 2015 Human Freedom Index. The United States ranked a humiliating 20th.

Let's get our heads out of the clouds and stop chasing some fantasy of resurrecting America through bronze age ethics given to ancient Israel. This is a distraction. Let's focus on helping America become a more progressive, technologically advanced, modernized, prosperous, and free nation.
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Old 06-15-2018, 10:00 AM
houston houston is offline
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Re: A Handmaids Tale

Let the gays have their cake. Let the whores have their abortion.

Sums up Aquila’s post.
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Old 06-15-2018, 10:00 AM
Apostolic1ness Apostolic1ness is offline
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Re: A Handmaids Tale

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I would like to mention that the only times in history that a theocratic/theonomist philosophy was the rule of law we saw the Dark Ages. We also saw the austerity filled society of John Calvin's, Geneva.

Both were abysmal failures.

The social libertarian model of government is rather tried and true. Here are examples of current governments that embrace a more social libertarian philosophy:
1.Hong Kong
5.New Zealand
9.The United Kingdom
I think Switzerland, Canada, or Denmark would be more preferred to John Calvin's Geneva. In fact, these nations ranked above the United States in the order presented above in the 2015 Human Freedom Index. The United States ranked a humiliating 20th.

Let's get our heads out of the clouds and stop chasing some fantasy of resurrecting America through bronze age ethics given to ancient Israel. This is a distraction. Let's focus on helping America become a more progressive, technologically advanced, modernized, prosperous, and free nation.
can you be specific about what "bronze age ethics" the USA is trying to resurrect. Also what specific freedoms do we as Americans not posses.
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