Originally Posted by tv1a
Dillusional AYR? I don't recall discussing my views on tithing or incorporation with you. Talk about twisting, you got to feel like a pretzel by now. Tithing or incorporation has nothing to do with encouraging gossip instead of healing.
Twisting ummm....you being the king of pretzels ought to know how to bend what other people say. Let me remind you that in your response to my post to Barb, you posted this:
Originally Posted by tv1a
Abortion and homosexuality are legal in this country. Maybe Barb should kill unborn babies and have an affair with Ellen Degeneres. Go for it Barb. As long as it is legal in this country, AYR is okay with it.
How did abortion and homosexuality get into this? YOU brought it into the discussion equating it with our constitutional right of free speech and have the nerve to put words into my mouth saying I think it is all right. Where did I ever say that everything legal is ok?
Give me a break!
Originally Posted by tv1a
How am I twisting scripture when I point how God feels abotu gossip? What part of scripture was twisted when I pointed out Jesus response to his impending betrayal?
First of all, you have not proven this thread to be "gossip". You are just making accusations to and about people who are discussing this very sad Memphis situation.
Is there false witness to TB on this thread? Did people portray TB as to doing something he is innocent of?
What did Barb say that was not true or unfounded?
What has anybody here said that is not true or unfounded?
You will be very hard pressed to find anything I wrote on this thread to be 'gossip'. Ha! I don't know the guy or the church and I posted very little except to defend the people's right to free speech here.
You gave no scripture...you just made a statement that Jesus did not talk about Judas. So, in that respect, you did not twist any particular scripture, you just gave an untrue statement about the scriptures pertaining to what Jesus actually said. You're very clever.
But what you posted is not entirely true. You leave out pertinent scriptures where Jesus did indeed talk about Judas and about the betrayal. Go look it up.
Peter went into detail about Judas in the first chapter of Acts. Furthermore, the entire nation of Israel knew about what Judas did and they in fact talked about it. Had this happened today, you would chastise Peter for being a gossiper.
Paul, in I Corinthians heard rumors of fornication among the Corinthians and he believed what was said and judged against the fornication. Paul said...it was commonly reported....
I Corinthians 5. It was a true report...not gossip. Had this happened today, you would chastise Paul for being a gossiper.
II Corinthians 13:1 says in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established.
If there are at least two credible witnesses in that church that spoke that he has committed adultery, then it is so...it is not gossip ...it is established to be a fact.
Just because people talk about situations, it does not always make it to be gossip.
You see, if pastors and elders can count on people not saying anything about their wrongdoings, they can keep their sins covered, just like TB has done for four long years. But they do not mind blathering on about anybody else's wrong or even a perceived wrong. Or they can stir up the congregation to into ostracizing somebody else who does not line up to their teachings. Is it ok when some use the scriptures to silence people all the while some do as they please?
Pastors are accountable first to God, then to the people they profess to shepherd over. They have no more anointing than the people who are on the pew listening to what they have to teach.
Originally Posted by tv1a
You were the one who said free speech was legal. That's your excuse for disregarding what scripture says about gossip. Apples to apples. God hates gossip as much as he hates homosexuality and abortion. What's stopping you from shacking up with Perez Hilton? Why not whip up a batch of abortion pills in your laboratory? The Constitutuin protects gays and baby killers.
So...what does scripture say about gossip? The word gossip is not even in the KJV of the Bible. It does talk about talebearers and busybodies...but this thread is not the same thing. What the people here are talking about is factual.
Free speech IS legal and as you point out...so is abortion and homosexuality. But your ignorance is showing when you equate free speech together with abortion and homosexuality. Speech is a constitutionally protected right. Abortion and homosexuality are not constitutionally protected.
The constitution does not protect gays and baby killers. Our own Congress and Supreme Court justices did that and used our Constitution as a means for their enacting the laws that protect them. For your information, it was Republican appointed justices that ruled abortion to be Constitutional. That does not make it so. And...It does not mean I agree with it.
You left out that I posted that she had also a
moral right to speak her mind. YOU do not have the right to squelch her or anybody else's speech in any way, shape or form and try to drum up scripture to silence them.
As for shacking up with Perez Hilton...I am a married woman....nearly 3 decades to the same man. Make abortion pills in my laboratory? You like to make up a little 'gossip' yourself don't you ol boy? You go overboard in trying to make your point don't ya?
Originally Posted by tv1a
I know your kind. You're not much different than TB. Acting like a christian is a lot easier than being one.

And you are a christian by some of the things you post here? Imagine that!
Like I said before, I've seen many times in all my years,
whenever somebody else tells another to shut up about something, it's because they are hiding something that they do not others to know about. I've seen it too many times and I stand by that observation.