I didn't notice he was removed. Why was he banned?
For posting his hatred for Apostolics.
Sorry I gave my opinion, you asked a question in open forum.
It's not the opinion I was offended by, but the relevance of your post to my situation.
This discussion has moved away from your situation, am I not correct? RC and I were talking about the band Kiss and then their lyrics. You have already made your decision and your son has made it through to your satisfaction, and his. So time proves all things, may you both live long and prosper.
I don't know you or your son, and I'm giving my opinion on a computer board.
If the discussion then moved on with the posts of other members you shouldn't take it personal, and anyway no matter what it's between you and your son.
The Lord bless you and may Jesus guide you.
You are correct, and I apologize for posting so hastily. It seemed that you were referring to my situation only and not to anyone else outside of the lyrics you were discussing with RC.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I then moved on to chase RC and then agree with CS and PP, I really wasn't having you or your son in mind when I was posting.
Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
You are correct, and I apologize for posting so hastily. It seemed that you were referring to my situation only and not to anyone else outside of the lyrics you were discussing with RC.
Thank you Sister, and please accept my extended hand, the above post means a lot to me.
Being a parent in this day and age is not easy and when it's your children everyone wants to give you their perfect answers. My mother tried as hard as she could (being a single mom) and having a son who was passionately into motorcycles and hanging out with people three times his age.
She would try to get my father after me, but he didn't live with us, and he was as wild as I was. He encouraged me to be hard and play hard. My mother loved me and she had her own problems and her son was trying to reach his own life goals.
I remember when I saw my mother walk into my old church, she couldn't understand what was with the old time dress and the people shouting and clapping and running pews, but she knew her son made it. I remember how my mother went out of her way to hug my old pastor's wife and the look on my mother's face. She believed that it was my old pastor and his wife that was the one's who changed me. Even though she never came to understand the salvation of Jesus Christ before she died she knew that her son made it pass all the horrors that he lived through, and put her through.
It's not an easy job raising children and everyone wants their children to have a good life and be able to make it long after the parents are gone.
I miss my father and mother and I will always try to say a prayer for you and your son H1, the Lord bless you both.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Thank you Sister, and please accept my extended hand, the above post means a lot to me.
Being a parent in this day and age is not easy and when it's your children everyone wants to give you their perfect answers. My mother tried as hard as she could (being a single mom) and having a son who was passionately into motorcycles and hanging out with people three times his age.
She would try to get my father after me, but he didn't live with us, and he was as wild as I was. He encouraged me to be hard and play hard. My mother loved me and she had her own problems and her son was trying to reach his own life goals.
I remember when I saw my mother walk into my old church, she couldn't understand what was with the old time dress and the people shouting and clapping and running pews, but she knew her son made it. I remember how my mother went out of her way to hug my old pastor's wife and the look on my mother's face. She believed that it was my old pastor and his wife that was the one's who changed me. Even though she never came to understand the salvation of Jesus Christ before she died she knew that her son made it pass all the horrors that he lived through, and put her through.
It's not an easy job raising children and everyone wants their children to have a good life and be able to make it long after the parents are gone.
I miss my father and mother and I will always try to say a prayer for you and your son H1, the Lord bless you both.
Thanks for your kind words. Being a single parent, it's difficult, but I do my best. Right now, my kids are 14 and 16 and I really don't have a problem with either of them. I work and go to school and I don't have to worry about who my children are with, if they are at home, who they have over, where they are, etc...
They don't smoke, do drugs, have sex, nor hang with kids who do those things. They don't get online (cause they have to have the password!), and the TV programs they watch are pretty good, although my 16 yr old loves to have fun, and thinks it's funny to watch programs that are deemed a bit inappropriate, and his excuse is, but it's funny, mom!
My kids attend church more often than I do (work and school) and hate to miss it. My son hangs with the pastor's son most of the time, and he's a good boy too.
My kids won't be with my much longer, but when all is said and done, I want to be able to say that I did the best I could and have little regrets in how I raised them.
Thanks again.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Thanks for your kind words. Being a single parent, it's difficult, but I do my best. Right now, my kids are 14 and 16 and I really don't have a problem with either of them. I work and go to school and I don't have to worry about who my children are with, if they are at home, who they have over, where they are, etc...
They don't smoke, do drugs, have sex, nor hang with kids who do those things. They don't get online (cause they have to have the password!), and the TV programs they watch are pretty good, although my 16 yr old loves to have fun, and thinks it's funny to watch programs that are deemed a bit inappropriate, and his excuse is, but it's funny, mom!
My kids attend church more often than I do (work and school) and hate to miss it. My son hangs with the pastor's son most of the time, and he's a good boy too.
My kids won't be with my much longer, but when all is said and done, I want to be able to say that I did the best I could and have little regrets in how I raised them.
Thanks again.
Sounds like you're doing a terrific job! If they're this good now, imagine how good they'll be at being adults.
I then moved on to chase RC and then agree with CS and PP, I really wasn't having you or your son in mind when I was posting.
Thank you Sister, and please accept my extended hand, the above post means a lot to me.
Being a parent in this day and age is not easy and when it's your children everyone wants to give you their perfect answers. My mother tried as hard as she could (being a single mom) and having a son who was passionately into motorcycles and hanging out with people three times his age.
She would try to get my father after me, but he didn't live with us, and he was as wild as I was. He encouraged me to be hard and play hard. My mother loved me and she had her own problems and her son was trying to reach his own life goals.
I remember when I saw my mother walk into my old church, she couldn't understand what was with the old time dress and the people shouting and clapping and running pews, but she knew her son made it. I remember how my mother went out of her way to hug my old pastor's wife and the look on my mother's face. She believed that it was my old pastor and his wife that was the one's who changed me. Even though she never came to understand the salvation of Jesus Christ before she died she knew that her son made it pass all the horrors that he lived through, and put her through.
It's not an easy job raising children and everyone wants their children to have a good life and be able to make it long after the parents are gone.
I miss my father and mother and I will always try to say a prayer for you and your son H1, the Lord bless you both.
Sounds like you're doing a terrific job! If they're this good now, imagine how good they'll be at being adults.
There are days when I want a peek into the future because I'm not sure they'll survive into next week! LOL!
The worst problem with my son is that he's argumentative.....I mean, he will argue over anything and everything. (For those of you who want to comment, and you know who you are......shut up already!)
My daughter has attitude, but it's quickly adjusted with the threat of a spanking. About every six months, she gets her big-girl panties on and tries me. I quickly show her that she isn't that big! LOL! It doesn't help that she has PMS, but I can deal with that. It's called, ignoring her!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Thanks for your kind words. Being a single parent, it's difficult, but I do my best. Right now, my kids are 14 and 16 and I really don't have a problem with either of them. I work and go to school and I don't have to worry about who my children are with, if they are at home, who they have over, where they are, etc...
They don't smoke, do drugs, have sex, nor hang with kids who do those things. They don't get online (cause they have to have the password!), and the TV programs they watch are pretty good, although my 16 yr old loves to have fun, and thinks it's funny to watch programs that are deemed a bit inappropriate, and his excuse is, but it's funny, mom!
My kids attend church more often than I do (work and school) and hate to miss it. My son hangs with the pastor's son most of the time, and he's a good boy too.
My kids won't be with my much longer, but when all is said and done, I want to be able to say that I did the best I could and have little regrets in how I raised them.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence