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Old 08-03-2007, 11:55 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Originally Posted by NLYP View Post
LOLOLOL ASK ANYBODY that knows me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooh you're a real bad guy Dan. I think you would start spewing four letter words after a while huh Dan? You think you might swing on me, if we met face to face?

What would these people say about you Daniel? That you get out of hand real quick and lose your control and start to come un-hinged when you can't think of anything to say when you're verbally pressed?

Dan, you know something you don't like me. I accept that. I feel you may even hate my guts. I accept that. Dan, I'm trying to hang around here and post. I was sent a letter in my e-mail and in my PM that we are now to behave ourselves as best as we can. I will endeavor to do just that. So your love affair with me I will have to let go. I think the two times we were banned together was enough to learn that we don't play well together.

Have fun and enjoy yourself on AFF, and I will try to do the same. I will do my very best to behave myself while I'm on this forum, and I will try to answer your posts in a way not to get me banned. I still really do believe that you would never act the way you do here if we were in person. If you did I think they would have to peel you off me with a shovel. Because I'm pretty witty in person. Nothing harsh or vulgar I assure you. I just can be charming when I come in contact with the pious and pompous religious left.

So alas dear Daniel, I will tell you that I will not get into a fight with you, even though that's what you want to happen.

Lord bless you real good.

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 08-04-2007, 02:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Old Paths View Post
Me thinks, some folks around here wouldn't be qualified/worthy to carry the Bishop's water glass, much less judge him right or wrong.

Me thinks he could carry his own water.
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Old 08-04-2007, 02:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Oooh you're a real bad guy Dan. I think you would start spewing four letter words after a while huh Dan? You think you might swing on me, if we met face to face?

What would these people say about you Daniel? That you get out of hand real quick and lose your control and start to come un-hinged when you can't think of anything to say when you're verbally pressed?

Dan, you know something you don't like me. I accept that. I feel you may even hate my guts. I accept that. Dan, I'm trying to hang around here and post. I was sent a letter in my e-mail and in my PM that we are now to behave ourselves as best as we can. I will endeavor to do just that. So your love affair with me I will have to let go. I think the two times we were banned together was enough to learn that we don't play well together.

Have fun and enjoy yourself on AFF, and I will try to do the same. I will do my very best to behave myself while I'm on this forum, and I will try to answer your posts in a way not to get me banned. I still really do believe that you would never act the way you do here if we were in person. If you did I think they would have to peel you off me with a shovel. Because I'm pretty witty in person. Nothing harsh or vulgar I assure you. I just can be charming when I come in contact with the pious and pompous religious left.

So alas dear Daniel, I will tell you that I will not get into a fight with you, even though that's what you want to happen.

Lord bless you real good.

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa

Not looking for a fight.
What I find amazing is that just because I quote you and resond to some of the things you happen to be saying does not mean that I am trying to get back into the past of mud slinging with you.
So your wit with words and your might with the pen is ill appreciated here on my part.
Who knows someday we might meet face to face.....ill be me and you be you and we shall see.....

NO problems here...
I for one would appreciate it if you would stop insinuating otherwise.
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:27 AM
Brother Strange

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I've know Dan a long time. I am afraid that he comes across in ways that does not really depict his real self causing him to be sometimes misunderstood.

While I would not defend one liberal bone in Dan, I will say of him that I know him to be a fine young man totally dedicated to the work of God and lover of souls. Give Dan a chance to be an encouragement, a help, a friend when the chips are down, Dan will come through every time.

In all honesty, I believe that if our esteemed brother Ben (whom I love very much) had an opportunity to know Dan as I do, he would find a different person that what comes across to him here on this forum.

I've heard Dan pray, I've seen his dedication, I know his love and joy in serving the Lord with a willing heart. A tad on the liberal side is he for sure, but not so much that it will keep him out of heaven...

Now Dan...Jerry Falwell is NOT walking on streets of Gold!
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:31 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
I've know Dan a long time. I am afraid that he comes across in ways that does not really depict his real self causing him to be sometimes misunderstood.

While I would not defend one liberal bone in Dan, I will say of him that I know him to be a fine young man totally dedicated to the work of God and lover of souls. Give Dan a chance to be an encouragement, a help, a friend when the chips are down, Dan will come through every time.

In all honesty, I believe that if our esteemed brother Ben (whom I love very much) had an opportunity to know Dan as I do, he would find a different person that what comes across to him here on this forum.

I've heard Dan pray, I've seen his dedication, I know his love and joy in serving the Lord with a willing heart. A tad on the liberal side is he for sure, but not so much that it will keep him out of heaven...

Now Dan...Jerry Falwell is NOT walking on streets of Gold!
Bro. Strange,

How do you know this? About Falwell...I don't think any of us can truly know about any of us.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:46 AM
Brother Strange

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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Bro. Strange,

How do you know this? About Falwell...I don't think any of us can truly know about any of us.

Blessings, Rhoni
How do I know? How do I know, INDEED, how do I know!

Listen to the song that S.C. Johnson sung. Here are the words.

One, one, one,
One way to God
One, one, one,
One way to God
One, one, one,
One way to God
Baptized in Jesus name

One, one, one
one wa...you get the picture....

See...THAT proves it.

Bishop S. C. Johnson personally sung it himself.

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Old 08-04-2007, 06:49 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
How do I know? How do I know, INDEED, how do I know!

Listen to the song that S.C. Johnson sung. Here are the words.

One, one, one,
One way to God
One, one, one,
One way to God
One, one, one,
One way to God
Baptized in Jesus name

One, one, one
one wa...you get the picture....

See...THAT proves it.

Bishop S. C. Johnson personally sung it himself.

Well, then that settles it...obviously!
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Old 08-04-2007, 07:06 AM
Brother Strange

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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Well, then that settles it...obviously!
Yes m'am...

Bet he is now sorry that he told people that speaking in tongues was of the devil.
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Old 08-04-2007, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by NLYP View Post
Not looking for a fight.
What I find amazing is that just because I quote you and resond to some of the things you happen to be saying does not mean that I am trying to get back into the past of mud slinging with you.
So your wit with words and your might with the pen is ill appreciated here on my part.
Who knows someday we might meet face to face.....ill be me and you be you and we shall see.....

NO problems here...
I for one would appreciate it if you would stop insinuating otherwise.
Dan, I was raised around some very interesting individuals and gained perception from these people that have often come to be a great help in my apostolic life. Lord bless Elder Strange, for his kindness and speaking in your defense. Lord sweetly bless Elder Strange. Dan, there's no problem with me on your level of displays of dislike. I could care less what anyone would say about me or to me. I understand totally how people let their fingers do the talking and not their brain. I have been misunderstood on this forum as well as you.

Dan one thing, you really don't like me at all and I have noticed and so have others who informed me that you don't like me. That's cool and I don't expect you to lose sleep over it. I understand that their are people on this forum who are in no way shape of form even close to being or wanting to be Christian. I have been around these forums long enough. In saying all that and without wanting to bore you any further, I just want to say it's been interesting. Nothing taken personally on my end. I just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel towards me and that I will no longer go back and forth with you or anyone else on this forum to that point that everyone gets thrown out in the parking lot. I have strong feelings about what I believe and I make those feelings known. You have strong feelings about what you believe (shudder) and you make those feelings known.

I'm not at all insinuating anything Brother Daniel I'm stating a fact Bro.
It's all good, and Brother go forward and continue with what ever you please.

I am just telling you that you and your Mickey Mouse can have a good time.

I will no longer place myself in a position to get my self banned because you wanted to dance on the table with me with a lampshade on your head.


Brother Benincasa

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 08-04-2007, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
I've know Dan a long time. I am afraid that he comes across in ways that does not really depict his real self causing him to be sometimes misunderstood.

While I would not defend one liberal bone in Dan, I will say of him that I know him to be a fine young man totally dedicated to the work of God and lover of souls. Give Dan a chance to be an encouragement, a help, a friend when the chips are down, Dan will come through every time.

In all honesty, I believe that if our esteemed brother Ben (whom I love very much) had an opportunity to know Dan as I do, he would find a different person that what comes across to him here on this forum.

I've heard Dan pray, I've seen his dedication, I know his love and joy in serving the Lord with a willing heart. A tad on the liberal side is he for sure, but not so much that it will keep him out of heaven...

Now Dan...Jerry Falwell is NOT walking on streets of Gold!
Elder Strange Lord bless you and your wonderful family and the Elders who taught you through out your life.

In Jesus Name

Brother Benincasa

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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