I may have misled here, but that was really just one piece of it. Many, many other factors.
Many factors similarly occurred with many other people as well, who still believed.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Many factors similarly occurred with many other people as well, who still believed.
Yeah, they've better than me, so freakin what?! The Christian message is all about how awful and weak and stupid we humans are, but when someone walks away rather than fight on and keep the faith, NO MATTER WHAT, it's time to DUMP on him for being awful and weak and stupid.
You make me sick. Seriously.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Yeah, they've better than me, so freakin what?! The Christian message is all about how awful and weak and stupid we humans are, but when someone walks away rather than fight on and keep the faith, NO MATTER WHAT, it's time to DUMP on him for being awful and weak and stupid.
You make me sick. Seriously.
You say this after years of mockery of our faith on this forum? Seriously?
You take a lot of things wrong, let alone why things go wrong. No one is dumping on you. Just trying to get you to hold faith again and be recovered.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Location: Phoenix, AZ.: Baptized in the NAME of the Lord Jesus in 1982.
Posts: 2,065
Re: You find a piece of paper....
Originally Posted by Timmy
Pardon the quote marks, but I think it's funny, considering the warnings against false signs.
There will be "false" signs; including, perhaps, healing , and wonders in the heavens. But
the false signs do not glorify the Lord Jesus; instead, they divert away
from the truth that is in the gospel.
"And these signs shall follow them that believe in my NAME: they shall cast out devils;
they shall speak in new tongues...", etc.
The NAME that the scriptures refer to is the NAME that was given to a child born of a virgin;
it refers to a child who grew to be a man without sin; it is the NAME of "...the Lamb of God
that takes away the sin of the world."; it refers to the NAME of the ONE falsely accused
and was crucified, who was buried and "...rose again the third day according to the
scriptures." And it is the NAME upon whom the Church invokes over a repentant sinner "...for the remission of sins."
When the Church uses that NAME, Jesus, it refers to all the aforementioned!
Ok, how about you give me a reason I should come back to your religion. I know of none.
hillarous? Whatever.
First of all, because the reasons you have to leave are empty. They lack the faith that the bible said all along was necessary, as I've pointed out many times. Many have stood strong in faith with worse situations than you or I ever knew that would attack faith. And like atheists, not saying you are one, the strongest fighters of faith are simply those disillusioned after a genuine passion of faith. Every reason you ever gave lacks genuine reasons to leave, knowing proper truth of the bible.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
THERE IT IS! The reason many Christians are not healed: it is the preaching against
divine healing. We're talking New Testament, folks; and there are various modes of healing:
Authority to the Church
1)"...these signs shall follow them that believe...they shall lay hands on the sick..."; 2)"...is any sick...send for the elders of the Church..."'
Spiritual Gifts
3)"...the word of knowledge...": the Spirit reveals the problem to the Church, who
declares the problem to the recipient for...; 4) [I]"...faith..."[/I: the Spirit moves faith upon a member, who declares the healing; 5) "...gifts of healing...": the sick asks for healing, and the Spirit moves in a member to pray; 6)...working of miracles...; the Spirit moves on a member to pray for the sick.
Perhaps we have neglected this scripture: "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by
the word of God." If we HEAR the word, we receive faith; but if we hear a man, well...
I have been a witness to too many healings and miracles to deny the power of God...and I don't mean [TV] healings!
Wow! Give me a break, PLEASE! Read my post again, only this time do it real slowly.
Where did I preach AGAINST "divine healing"? I did NOT state, suggest, or in ANY manner insinuate that "divine healing" does NOT still happen today! I am NOT a FOOL, nor would I ever make such a FOOLISH statement!
What I did, however, was REFUTE your assertion that "divine healings" comes about as a direct consequence of the physical beatings ("stripes") our Lord endured at the time of His crucifixion, showing how the words of Isaiah 53:5 and I Peter 2:24 are statements showing that such "stripes" were endured for the "healing" of our SINS, TRANSGRESSIONS, and INIQUITIES!