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Old 05-13-2007, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind View Post
Elder, this is unbecoming you.

I know it but that is how it is.
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Old 05-16-2007, 04:38 PM
Rev Dooley

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Honestly, I lurked out here to see the replies. I am not totally shocked at the responses.
If anyone was offended at my post here, well it was not designed to offend but to share what I genuinely felt. Obviously this is no place for that.
I read the other thread and was exremely dissapointed that an apostolic would run after someone who teaches a lie.
To work for someone like that who propagates heresy is IMO akin to working at a liquor factory or a tobacco plant. It goes against all that we should be holding dear in regards to slavational issues. Maybe that will clarify WHY I posted what I feel.
Now if the other thread regarding this issue was merely in jest, then it should have been stated as such since text can be read any number of ways, which also includes my own postings. My reaction would certainly have been far different, except in regards to being on tv. That stance has not and will not change.
I do not have a lot of pent up anger as someone suggested. I am simply ME. I don't try to be anything but that. To be something else would be IMO wrong since I am what God created as ME.
Crybaby? Well, I will state what I think regardless of what others may think. I you think it is crying or whining, I truly don't care. It is how I feel whether you like it or not.
This is a public forum upon which ideas are disseminated. I do not agree with all of them, but neither do I attack individuals with namecalling. That is not only childish, but unchristian as well.
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Old 05-16-2007, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by NobodyImportant View Post
Honestly, I lurked out here to see the replies. I am not totally shocked at the responses.
If anyone was offended at my post here, well it was not designed to offend but to share what I genuinely felt. Obviously this is no place for that.
I read the other thread and was exremely dissapointed that an apostolic would run after someone who teaches a lie.
To work for someone like that who propagates heresy is IMO akin to working at a liquor factory or a tobacco plant. It goes against all that we should be holding dear in regards to slavational issues. Maybe that will clarify WHY I posted what I feel.
Now if the other thread regarding this issue was merely in jest, then it should have been stated as such since text can be read any number of ways, which also includes my own postings. My reaction would certainly have been far different, except in regards to being on tv. That stance has not and will not change.
I do not have a lot of pent up anger as someone suggested. I am simply ME. I don't try to be anything but that. To be something else would be IMO wrong since I am what God created as ME.
Crybaby? Well, I will state what I think regardless of what others may think. I you think it is crying or whining, I truly don't care. It is how I feel whether you like it or not.
This is a public forum upon which ideas are disseminated. I do not agree with all of them, but neither do I attack individuals with namecalling. That is not only childish, but unchristian as well.
I thought you were leaving and were done with us here at AFF.
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Old 05-16-2007, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
I thought you were leaving and were done with us here at AFF.

I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
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Old 05-16-2007, 04:41 PM
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I never lauded TBN on here. Not saying I wouldn't have anything to do with them but I don't care for the glitter and big money in the name of the gospel and such.
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Old 05-16-2007, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Thank God you arent someone who is important or the board might get shut down.
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln
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Old 05-16-2007, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by NobodyImportant View Post
I read the other thread and was exremely dissapointed that an apostolic would run after someone who teaches a lie. To work for someone like that who propagates heresy is IMO akin to working at a liquor factory or a tobacco plant. It goes against all that we should be holding dear in regards to slavational issues. Maybe that will clarify WHY I posted what I feel.
Well, first of all, you are speaking about ME. Let's get some things taken care of right off the bat. #1...This Apostolic did not RUN AFTER someone who teaches a lie. First of all, if someone offers you a job and to be extrememly disappointed in that...is laughable. Never did one time did I say I accepted the job. Not one. I added that I "considered it," but really....I know enough about Jan Crouch to know that I would not work for her or her family. I must reiterate....Thad and I went to see our good friend minister on their program. Afterwards, we met and reacquainted with some fine people. No harm done.

#2 - to follow in your line of thinking...if you are not a Pastor...and that is not your full time job....then, take a look at your boss. Does s/he believe the same thing as you? If not, are your resignation papers filled out to present to them tomorrow?

Now if the other thread regarding this issue was merely in jest, then it should have been stated as such since text can be read any number of ways, which also includes my own postings. My reaction would certainly have been far different, except in regards to being on tv. That stance has not and will not change.
Thad started the thread. If you know anything about Thad you will know there is some exaggeration. Events happened.....an exaggeration was obvious....and most caught that.
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Old 05-16-2007, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by NobodyImportant View Post
Honestly, I lurked out here to see the replies. I am not totally shocked at the responses.
If anyone was offended at my post here, well it was not designed to offend but to share what I genuinely felt. Obviously this is no place for that.
I read the other thread and was exremely dissapointed that an apostolic would run after someone who teaches a lie.
To work for someone like that who propagates heresy is IMO akin to working at a liquor factory or a tobacco plant. It goes against all that we should be holding dear in regards to slavational issues. Maybe that will clarify WHY I posted what I feel.
Now if the other thread regarding this issue was merely in jest, then it should have been stated as such since text can be read any number of ways, which also includes my own postings. My reaction would certainly have been far different, except in regards to being on tv. That stance has not and will not change.
I do not have a lot of pent up anger as someone suggested. I am simply ME. I don't try to be anything but that. To be something else would be IMO wrong since I am what God created as ME.
Crybaby? Well, I will state what I think regardless of what others may think. I you think it is crying or whining, I truly don't care. It is how I feel whether you like it or not.
This is a public forum upon which ideas are disseminated. I do not agree with all of them, but neither do I attack individuals with namecalling. That is not only childish, but unchristian as well.

Hello NI, welcome back to whatever it was you called AFF!!

I think the fact that you think GNC is a bad place pretty much tells everyone how far out you are. Good to hear from ya though!
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Old 05-16-2007, 06:28 PM

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NI is back to claim his award!!!....

I'm just kiddin' with ya, NI. I suppose all of us could win the PWM award from time to time.

If I have offended you,

THE PWM Award:

These threads get pretty intense and I'm trying to keep things light.
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Old 05-16-2007, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Do we pride ourselves in the fact that we build walls instead of bridges?
Good question!
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