How many languages do you read? Where are all the big Oneness Seminaries with their original works libraries? You aren't famous for providing evidence.
How many Looney Tunes cartoons have you watched? Where all the big characters animals? You aren't famous for making sense.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
This is your busy season. Is business slow? I suspect in your famous law practice you relate to cartoon characters.
Grow up buddy!!
What season is it for you? We can't figure out if you practice law, philosophy, social science, in medicine or work fast food. Could you clear that up for us?
Sabby, in that attempt they would lie, manipulate, misrepresent, deceive, intimidate in "His name".
I would agree. I believe it was Frank Ewart that wrote a booklet describing the "goings on" in the fledgling oneness pentecostal churches, paraphrasing, that the more "outlandish" the manifestation, the more it became accepted as the "move of the Holy Ghost". This is significant.
I still dance for joy, although I don't close my eyes anymore! lol
In my opinion, Sam, the diversity of opinion is actually a plus. If we were to acknowledge this diversity and embrace it then a freer and more open dialog would follow.
On the matter of "stepping up to the plate" - this doesn't really even touch on specific "Oneness" views. It's just an appeal for the Oneness community at-large to follow the leadership of men like DKB and TF when it comes to academic credentials. DKB worked hard to get the Urshan Grad School accredited with a legitimate authority. He should be praised for this accomplishment - AND! - I say "praised" despite my many and well known differences of opinion with DKB himself.
Sam, you are right on. We have so much more in COMMON than anyone else in the kingdom... the minute differences are about the size of a gnat.
Do you have any proof of Arnold's Oneness history book being "corrupt"?
I thought Weisser's works to be courageous. I was a little disappointed by the dearth of historical content, but he was as honest a man as I've ever met.
Thank you for being honest with this.
Just curious, how do you reconcile this with how some preach that the church will not be prevailed against? Do you believe in an early and latter rain with a period of drought in between? or the idea that God's people were still God's people while they were in the wilderness or in captivity and did not keep the rituals? My personal opinion is that water baptism in Jesus' name is a truth but is not necessary for salvation so the church is still the church without it. Also, the Holy Ghost baptism and the gifts are empowerments from God and not necessary for salvation so the church is the church without them. In my opinion, justification/salvation/regeneration happens when one trusts in Jesus as Savior and there have always been some (they would make up the Church) who have trusted in Jesus. That's how I see the Church always existing.
What season is it for you? We can't figure out if you practice law, philosophy, social science, in medicine or work fast food. Could you clear that up for us?
...i really dont want to dog pile, but I saw something yesterday about working with some company that builds nuclear power plants...
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Why do they lie like this? Do they not know that their lies will be discovered??? Or do they know that there are those who believe what is spoon fed to them from "Apostolic" leaders regardless of the facts? I actually had a man tell me, "I don't care what the FACTS are, I'm obeying my pastor!" Well... that's one way to be led into the ditch.
That is why they start home churches . They can obey their pastor.