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Old 05-24-2010, 08:28 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
He gave authority/or his power of attorney to those that would became sons of God, to them that would believe on his name!.
He commissioned them to go into all the world and preach, teach and baptize.
Would you want someone who didn't believe in you/your name, representing
I ask again, does Jesus sign His own checks or does the preacher sign the checks for Him?
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Old 05-24-2010, 10:14 PM
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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post

Then why are Trinitarians so hard on being baptized in the titles! Someone is
I never said they had the right motives with their baptism formula either. I believe too many have tied the baptism formula into the godhead. That is not what baptism is or ever was about.

By the way if I heard a trinitarian saying baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost was the only proper mode I would be on him just as much.

Do I believe that there are multiple proper modes? I believe that the bible is not specific on what if any words ought to be said over a person being baptized. Since the bible is silent on the subject then I think we ought to be also. So yes I do believe that since the bible is not specific that God will honor either mode a person is baptized in.

Last edited by jfrog; 05-24-2010 at 10:21 PM.
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Old 05-25-2010, 07:08 AM
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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

[QUOTE=jfrog;915568]I never said they had the right motives with their baptism formula either. I believe too many have tied the baptism formula into the godhead. That is not what baptism is or ever was about.

By the way if I heard a trinitarian saying baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost was the only proper mode I would be on him just as much.

Do I believe that there are multiple proper modes? I believe that the bible is not specific on what if any words ought to be said over a person being baptized. Since the bible is silent on the subject then I think we ought to be also. So yes I do believe that since the bible is not specific that God will honor either mode a person is baptized in.[/QUOTE]

Since you believe the Bible is silent on the subject, go ahead and work out
your own salvation. Except we humble ourselves and become as little children
and that doesn't mean to be willing ignorant. But open, sincere and honest
hearted. May God help you.
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Old 05-25-2010, 07:21 AM
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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
I never said they had the right motives with their baptism formula either. I believe too many have tied the baptism formula into the godhead. That is not what baptism is or ever was about.

By the way if I heard a trinitarian saying baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost was the only proper mode I would be on him just as much.

Do I believe that there are multiple proper modes? I believe that the bible is not specific on what if any words ought to be said over a person being baptized. Since the bible is silent on the subject then I think we ought to be also. So yes I do believe that since the bible is not specific that God will honor either mode a person is baptized in.[/QUOTE]

Since you believe the Bible is silent on the subject, go ahead and work out
your own salvation. Except we humble ourselves and become as little children
and that doesn't mean to be willing ignorant. But open, sincere and honest
hearted. May God help you.
You forgot the "cause Lord knows you need it part".
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Old 05-25-2010, 07:32 AM
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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post

Since you believe the Bible is silent on the subject, go ahead and work out
your own salvation. Except we humble ourselves and become as little children
and that doesn't mean to be willing ignorant. But open, sincere and honest
hearted. May God help you.
I doubt you meant it this way, but this sounds like we are just supposed to make things up, if they aren't in the Bible but we think they should have been. (But it's true that a lot of people do just that!)
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Why am I not surprised?
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Old 05-25-2010, 07:50 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by UltraCon View Post
Are people going to hell if they do not get baptized in the Name of Jesus?
If the individual being baptized was calling upon the name of the Lord it doesn't matter what some other human being uttered over them.

Does it matter how your baptized?
Emersion, sprinkling, and pouring are all optional. Many believe in only emersion baptism. But the "washings" (baptizmos) of the OT were performed by sprinkling and pouring (types of NT baptism). Please note, Christ wasn't buried as we bury today. Christ was buried in the manner of the Jews. His body cleansed by pouring clean water over it to ceremonially cleanse from the filth of death. Then his body was dried, anointed with oils, and wrapped with fragrant spices in fine linen. The pouring of water was part of Christ's burial.

Is baptism essential to salvation?
Yes and no. Baptism is a command to be obeyed in faith. Those who refuse are in rebellion. Those who may perish before being able to be baptized, yet truly desired to be baptized are judged according to their hearts not the sacrement.
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Old 05-25-2010, 08:14 AM
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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
...Emersion, sprinkling, and pouring are all optional. Many believe in only emersion baptism. But the "washings" (baptizmos) of the OT were performed by sprinkling and pouring (types of NT baptism). Please note, Christ wasn't buried as we bury today. Christ was buried in the manner of the Jews. His body cleansed by pouring clean water over it to ceremonially cleanse from the filth of death. Then his body was dried, anointed with oils, and wrapped with fragrant spices in fine linen. The pouring of water was part of Christ's burial. ...
So, just like the priests in the OT were washed AT (not IN) the laver by water being poured on them, we can be washed by water being poured on us?

So, just like the body of Jesus had water poured on it as part of His burial we can have water poured on us when we are "buried with Him"?

And, just as God's Spirit is poured out upon us when we are baptized in the Spirit we can have water poured on us when we are baptized in water?

And just like Nebuchadnezzar was wet/dipped/baptized (Greek bapto Strongs word no. 911) with the dew in the Greek text of Daniel 4:33 and 5:21 so we can be wet/dipped/baptized (Greek word bapto) by having some water applied externally instead of being lowered down into it?

Careful, there.
Some of us Baptists may not like to hear that.
Stuff like that might be dangerous to some of our sacred cows.
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Old 05-25-2010, 08:28 AM
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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
I doubt you meant it this way, but this sounds like we are just supposed to make things up, if they aren't in the Bible but we think they should have been. (But it's true that a lot of people do just that!)
If he honestly believes the Bible is silent on the subject, he is not Apostolic and I don't see that I can help him. We all need God's help.
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Old 05-25-2010, 08:33 AM
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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
If he honestly believes the Bible is silent on the subject, he is not Apostolic and I don't see that I can help him. We all need God's help.
OK, that's different.

You believe the Bible is not silent on this? Where does it describe what is said by a baptizer?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

More New Stuff in Timmy Talk!
My Countdown Counting down to: Rapture. Again.
Why am I not surprised?
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Old 05-25-2010, 09:26 AM
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Re: Let's talk about Baptism.

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
OK, that's different.

You believe the Bible is not silent on this? Where does it describe what is said by a baptizer?
Now, Tim-mae,
I don't have time to do all the homework for you. Do your own homework.
See how the Apostles baptized..in what NAME ! The words may vary a bit,
but you will find they baptized in the Name of JESUS. You cover it all when
you do that. Just say the name of Jesus, say the name...

Trinitarians marry couples in the titles. It not just baptism. But let most
anyone get a life-threatening illness or a terminal disease, and they are
not particular what name you pray in, JUST Pray the pray of faith. There
is just something about the NAME of JESUS that thrills or repels. There
were those that hated JESUS when he walked on earth. And that has not
The day may come when we will be forced to choose Allah or JESUS. What
will our answer be.


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