mich, in a court house, because of his office, everyone gives the Judge a greater level of repsect. in fact, you can't come into the courts of law dressed in any manner with any kind of behavior. there is a certain decorum that is given that may not be rendered elsewhere. I think that the office of the pastor deserves a little more respect. you don't ?
They wore their regular cloths, maybe wool skirts and boots. When my daughter was little she played in the snow in corduroy jumpers and tights and little boots, but not pants, and she was fine.
when you say "tights" were they thick? because that would be similar to leggings would it not ?
mich, in a court house, because of his office, everyone gives the Judge a greater level of repsect. in fact, you can't come into the courts of law dressed in any manner with any kind of behavior. there is a certain decorum that is given that may not be rendered elsewhere. I think that the office of the pastor deserves a little more respect. you don't ?
The church is not a government, or a part of the judicial system. I do not believe that churches should be run like a courthouse. I believe that placing so much stock in what the preacher says allows many saints to deny their own responsibility of their sprititual walk, and need of a personal relationship with God. After all, why do they need to seek God, when they can just ask the Pastor what they are supposed to do. Why fast? Why pray? Instead just get a list of rules to follow and never have to think for oneself.
No, I'm sorry, the fact that someone is abled to get ordained by an organization and find enough money to finance, or get enough people to follow them, or some other men to appoint them. No, I'm sorry that in itself does not garner any automatic respect from me.
Here is a interesting thought which is off topic ,I guess ,but one time in society men never wore hats inside buildings it was considered rude ,now go to a WAL-MART men wear baseball caps inside buildings.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.