Originally Posted by philjones
You are free to flagellate yourself if you wish but I assure you that it was a personal decision. I backslid for 18 years and tried to blame everyone in Pentecost. Once I finally got honest with myself it was pretty clear who decided to walk away from God... it was ME... the same guy who decided to smoke that first cigarette and drink that first beer and snort that cocaine and seek satisfaction in everything ungodly... not another soul could make that decision for me.
I fear that you think more highly of yoursaelf (in a low sort of way) than you ought! I assure you it won't be brought up when they stand at the great white throne judgement!
Interesting, brother. I was thinking this very thing about why so many seem to be so bitter on here (and elsewhere). I wondered what it is that makes someone feel so good while continuing to harp on things like the UPC and those "mean spirited, old UCs of yesteryear". I thought about myself as a teen, just after receiving the Holy Ghost. I thought of how much I really didn't care for my first pastor (who was my cousin). I thought of how much I grew to dislike him, within a short time and in the years after I backslid.
I then thought of why I backslid.
I chose to. Period. Plain and simple.
No one has made any of you who and/or what you are today. You made choices that made you the way you are -- UC, UClite, modC, or liberal. Bro. UC preaching all those years about "
NO RED DRESSES!" didn't make the liberal what he/she is. Bro. Liberal preaching against Bro. UCs stance all those years didn't make the UC what he/she is.
The Bible said not to be a stumbling block, but I don't recall God saying I'd be the one to
choose hell for someone. Heaven, either.
I'm glad you're back, bro! I'm glad you made that choice after you came to your senses in the pig's pen like I did. I'm thankful for His mercy and grace that made it all possible!!