Originally Posted by 1399
Something I have heard Obama once say is that he wants to penalize American companies who move jobs overseas. Awesome idea!
Jobs moved overseas = bad news for ALL Americans.
He will have to cut spending, but taxes will have to increase too.
I don't see any way around it. Bush has really done a number on this country, financially.
my friend, the reason American Jobs are moving over seas is precisely because our government currently penalizes US companies for NOT moving over seas.
America has the second highest corporate tax rate of all nations. THAT is a HUGE penalty for doing business as an American company.
the democrats support for trail lawyers boarders on the psychotic. If you want businesses to stay here, pass tort reform that will prevent them from having to spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year to defend silly lawsuits.
there are reasons businesses are leaving here. It is because of the hostile environment our politicians have created for them.
If Obama wants to penalize some group, he ought to start with congress!
1399, I appreciate you. but I need to ask you one question. do you remember Civics class in high school? there was a very important lesson in that class. The question is "who controls the purse strings of the US government?
can you answer that question?