Originally Posted by TrmptPraise
So, now that we have spent 13 pages putting the spotlight on all the negative changes, anyone have anything positive to say about change. Cause this thread is certainly is uplifting.
I personally love the changes that our church has made, I see them as positive changes. I think that the "just doing things the same way, because that is how we have always done them, so it must be the right way" mentality can be dangerous and became a trap and a tool of the devil to hinder growth and revival.
We still have a regular piano and a Hammond, we still have a full blown, well attended Sunday night service, and we have a combination of musical styles represented. We have a fantastic, very progressive youth program and our youth events are very well attended.
We don't have a traditional door knocking program, what we have is an outreach ministry to a specific needy neighborhood that our church has "adopted", we don't try to get them to come to church, but we go to their homes and ask what we can do for them. If it is prayer, yard work, minor home repairs, etc. We have no expectations or requirements of them, and we also hold several events a year in their park were we have free food, fun and games, music, ministry and tons of give-aways. We have seen at least 100 baptized from these efforts, and also numerous Bible studies.
Have we had people "won" through these efforts? Depends on your definition. We have probably 3 solid families that come from that neighborhood, and we have had several other families come because they heard about what we were doing for that neighborhood. But our main goal in the whole project is to share God's love, and plant the seed in peoples lives. In that, we are being completely successful.
This is not our only outreach effort, we have many other avenues that are pushed at different times of the year.
One of my favorite changes is in the area of Wed. night services, we have a huge children's program that goes on during the school year, and for the adults we have what we call "real life" bible studies. It is the real "were the rubber meets the road" stuff, examination of our day to day Christianity, our character and attitudes.
So, that is my positive outlook on changes to my UPC church.