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Old 01-29-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Bro Arcovio preached for us sunday on the condition of the church. He was so right when he said that the glory is gone because the fear of God is gone.
We use to LOVE going to church every night.we couldn't wait to get there.
Now,we abhor it. We'd rather be at a birthday party or a football game. The love of many will wax cold....we are seeing this scripture come to pass in our day
Wow, so true.
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Old 01-29-2008, 01:35 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Bro Arcovio preached for us sunday on the condition of the church. He was so right when he said that the glory is gone because the fear of God is gone.
We use to LOVE going to church every night.we couldn't wait to get there.
Now,we abhor it. We'd rather be at a birthday party or a football game. The love of many will wax cold....we are seeing this scripture come to pass in our day
You are so right on here! ( )

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Old 01-29-2008, 01:37 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

So, now that we have spent 13 pages putting the spotlight on all the negative changes, anyone have anything positive to say about change. Cause this thread is certainly is uplifting.
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Old 01-29-2008, 01:47 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

Originally Posted by TrmptPraise View Post
So, now that we have spent 13 pages putting the spotlight on all the negative changes, anyone have anything positive to say about change. Cause this thread is certainly is uplifting.

I don't think all the changes have been bad.
shall i list all the ones I think were positive ?
If we are honest with oursleves though, we would have to admit
that the church at large has disgressed spiritually
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Old 01-29-2008, 01:51 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

I'm not necessarily sure that I can think of any that are "good" per se....aside from that there's an increase in material things...bigger facilities etc., but a lot of other things as stated have declined.
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Old 01-29-2008, 01:55 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
In another thread it was mentioned concerning the Tulsa situation that changes has caused many to want to change.

I wanted to discuss what the changes are that you have noticed.

For myself I have noticed the following.

1. Most church no longer have foot washing. We still have foot washing every time we have communion.
2. Most new churches are being built without altars.We still have altars and will in the new church.
3. I see more women cutting their hair. Women don't cut their hair here.
4. I see men and women coloring their hair. No dye here.
5. I see more jewelery. No jewlery here.
6. Many folks now have TV's in their homes. No TV here.
7. Many now go to the theater. We don;t go to theaters.
8. I see more make-up. No make up here.
9. Shorter dresses again, (saw them in the 70's as well) Hemlines 3 inches below the knees
10. Many women feel it is ok to wear pants. Our ladies do not wear pants.
11. Everyone now has a computer it seems. Very few computers here, this could be dues to the fact that all we have is very slow dial up.
12. Many feel it is not necessary to pay tithes. All our folks pay tithes.
Now these are some of the changes I have noticed since I have been in the church. I'm not saying all of these are wrong, but these are things you didn't see 30 years ago.

Did I miss anything?
Things haven't change much here

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Old 01-29-2008, 02:05 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

Originally Posted by TrmptPraise View Post
So, now that we have spent 13 pages putting the spotlight on all the negative changes, anyone have anything positive to say about change. Cause this thread is certainly is uplifting.
I personally love the changes that our church has made, I see them as positive changes. I think that the "just doing things the same way, because that is how we have always done them, so it must be the right way" mentality can be dangerous and became a trap and a tool of the devil to hinder growth and revival.

We still have a regular piano and a Hammond, we still have a full blown, well attended Sunday night service, and we have a combination of musical styles represented. We have a fantastic, very progressive youth program and our youth events are very well attended.

We don't have a traditional door knocking program, what we have is an outreach ministry to a specific needy neighborhood that our church has "adopted", we don't try to get them to come to church, but we go to their homes and ask what we can do for them. If it is prayer, yard work, minor home repairs, etc. We have no expectations or requirements of them, and we also hold several events a year in their park were we have free food, fun and games, music, ministry and tons of give-aways. We have seen at least 100 baptized from these efforts, and also numerous Bible studies.

Have we had people "won" through these efforts? Depends on your definition. We have probably 3 solid families that come from that neighborhood, and we have had several other families come because they heard about what we were doing for that neighborhood. But our main goal in the whole project is to share God's love, and plant the seed in peoples lives. In that, we are being completely successful.

This is not our only outreach effort, we have many other avenues that are pushed at different times of the year.

One of my favorite changes is in the area of Wed. night services, we have a huge children's program that goes on during the school year, and for the adults we have what we call "real life" bible studies. It is the real "were the rubber meets the road" stuff, examination of our day to day Christianity, our character and attitudes.

So, that is my positive outlook on changes to my UPC church.
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Old 01-29-2008, 02:12 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

People don't usually stay involved in a family, a church, a community or

orginization, etc., that they don't feel a part of. This could be a reason

for the seperation. Jesus said His sheep would hear His Voice and follow

Him. If we are not following Him what camp does that put us in! This is not

to offend or single out any group, etc. It is just a question to ponder.



Last edited by Falla39; 01-29-2008 at 02:56 PM. Reason: made a change
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Old 01-29-2008, 02:13 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

I'm going back 50 years but will give my observations.

QUOTE=Esther;371919]In another thread it was mentioned concerning the
Tulsa situation that changes has caused many to want to change.

I wanted to discuss what the changes are that you have noticed.

For myself I have noticed the following.

1. Most church no longer have foot washing.

I never saw this as a child at all; did see it in the 60's with another pastor.

2. Most new churches are being built without altars.

3. I see more women cutting their hair.

Hair was trimmed in the 50's

4. I see men and women coloring their hair.
5. I see more jewelery.

wedding rings were always ok; children wore jewelry but not adults

6. Many folks now have TV's in their homes.

Except for the ministry, saints had tv's

7. Many now go to the theather.
8. I see more make-up.
9. Shorter dresses again, (saw them in the 70's as well)

Dresses were knee length in the 50's; modest but not to the ankle

10. Many women feel it is ok to wear pants.

Little girls in church wore pants for "play"; dresses were required for school.

11. Everyone now has a computer it seems.

12. Many feel it is not necessary to pay tithes.

Now these are some of the changes I have noticed since I have been in the church. I'm not saying all of these are wrong, but these are things you didn't see 30 years ago.

Did I miss anything?[/QUOTE]
And also the points St Mark made; organs are disappearing; no more fellowship meeting etc

As child communion was maybe twice a year; this is true of most of churches I've been part of.
I think AOG churches do it once a month.
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Old 01-29-2008, 02:21 PM
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Re: Changes in the UPC over the past 30 years

Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
It is weird to think on March 13th 2008 it will have been 30 years since my Dad, Bible teacher and evangelist John A Eckstadt passed away.

Since his death here are some changes in Pentecost.

1. Sermon's on the soon coming of Christ (almost gone).Still preached here.

2. Sermon's on Sin (Not standards) sin.

3. Those week long revivals. Still have at least three extended revivals a year
4. Young men growing up with a desire to be a minister (Who's hero is a minister)

5. Bible teaching is a lost art. A bible study is taught every Wed night unless we are in revival.

6. We have exchanged Bible teaching on Wednesday night for coffee cake and gossip night. We call it home fellowship night. Still regular service hereon Wed night, except for once a quarter when we have service at an elderly saint's (she is a shut in) house.

7. Fellowship used to be at Stuckey's or Steak & Shake on Sunday night after church. That is where we as kids in the past generation made our friendships.

8. We had smaller churches and buildings but we used them more.

9. Pastor's I am convinced spent more time on their sermon preparation. I was taught that one should have a least 3 hours study time and preparation for every 30 minute preached. I try my best to abide by that.

10. We have moved into the Google a sermon generation. Many of the young ministers could not tell you who Matthew Henry or Charles Spurgeon was...
Don't believe in getting sermons by googling, every service is important and the message should be gotten from God. He knows the needs of those in service.
11. The King James version of the bible has been replaced with the Instant Message version. Jesus said, "I AM" not "IM".

12 We exchanged the word in our sermon's from "faith" to "Sow".

13. The word "faith" was in relation to Moving spiritual mountains, the word "Sow" today that replaced "faith" means prosperity with a sprinkel of health and well being. Today you only reap what you sow when you give, not with what you do!

14. The modern day book in the religious section of the book store quotes Zig Ziglar more than Jesus.

15. Sermon's from the Old testement are old fashioned. Still preach out of the Old Testament here.

16. Songs are written less about Jesus and more about how to be his friend.

17. Preaching on hell is a thing of the past. Most modern day Pentecostals believe in Angels but would tell you demons are not manifested beings. Still preach hell hot and heaven beautiful.

18. Just flat out good preaching seems to be dying out. That has to be one reason for mega churches. If you are one of the few to have it they will come.

19. Busing is a thing of the past.

20. Dressing your best each service is the thing of the past. We still dress up.

21. Popping into your pastor's office without an appointment is the thing of the past. People are welcome in my office anytime. I live next door to the church and folks are welcome to drop on anytime.

22. That one usher that all the kids were afraid of is a thing of the past.

23. Those sunday school teacher couples that you remember the rest of your life is a thing of the past.

24. The move of God is more modern. I remember when even in the 1980's that when the move of God started in a service. We would see men praying with each other. Woman would be praying with each other. Still do this here.

25. Some of the real not Benny Hinn miracles, I have witnessed were seen in a spirit filled church march.

26. How about the service in your church that you will remember for 30 years.

I remember some but they are 20 years old. Our memories of the move of God are short anymore.

I think we now live in the moment and have forgotten that God does not live in a single moment.

He transends time and it is about time we start building memories that help substain the next generation....
I am so thankful for the church I am blessed to pastor.
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