Originally Posted by Joseph Miller
Sorry but I have more important things to do than argue with you.
I have no problem with some sports. I watched the Ohio/LSU game. I wear a wedding ring. I wear cuff links. I wear short sleeves. What does it matter to you? If you really felt like you were right you would not be trying to pick out people who live holiness and pick them apart. The thing is, I bet you were at one time a holiness believer and have left it.
I don't think you have more important things to do as you can been arguing with me for a little while tonight and it's what 2:30 am your time? lol
So you watch worldly sports....sigh. I thought you had to be separate from the world? You wear short sleeves? Better not come to Oregon you'll get preached out you because you have backslidden!
I guess you don't understand how wrong the 'system and rules of holiness'
are in the UPCI. Just like the TV resolution and how you can watch TV and see the great godly preacher on it but then when you go to church you'll hear them preaching against TV.
I think it would be really funny to see a UPCI preacher preach against TV while on air on a TV station! lol
Of course they like to save this stuff for a Wednesday night or mid-week service.
Anyway, have a good night regardless of our disagreements.
I've been saved by your doctrine anyways so no worries I just wish more people would see the truth of what they actually believe in.