For sure every written work has a bias. That goes without saying.
However, let's get real here.
We have a man who gives his book a title that basically, if you consider the fact that words mean things, labels us all a bunch of heretics--claiming Christianity while denying the Cross. That is a pretty damning way to introduce your book.
Furthermore, who do you think reads this book? Who was the target audience?
Wiccans who are fascinated with doctrinal nuances in the Oneness movement?
No way.
He knew that the people who would read this book primarily would be Apostolics and ex-Apostolics. So his little slap in the face title was intended for us, plain and simple.
Also bear in mind that the author was once one of us, and is now an Anglican priest. He has moved about as far from us doctrinally as you can and still claim Christianity. This is unquestionable evidence that he has rejected the truth he once embraced. His own actions have declared him an apsotate, heretic, and backslider. Worse than just a backslider since he has denied the truth. These are not attacks on his character; they are simply facts revealed by his own choices. The man has become a trinitarian, of all things. He may be a nice person. He might help little old ladies cross the street, give generously to the Salvation Army, and feed stray puppy dogs on his back porch, but spiritually, the man is in gross darkness.
This gives cntext to his bias.
I am not offended by it, since this is the norm and not the exception for those who deny the faith.
I have NO QUARREL with his history and reporting of facts based on interviews, research, etc. The PCI presence was not a secret where I was raised. My pastor told me all about them, the merger, and so forth. There was no cover up where we were.
What I do not appreciate are the droll, subtle digs about our worship, our preaching, and so on.
Read his book, learn about the sweet gentle PCI men and the hateful old PAJC'ers if you don't know about them.
But bear in mind you are reading those facts presented by a backslidden apostate truth rejecting Anglican who has denied the faith once delivered to the saints.
Now go take on the day.