Originally Posted by Rhoni
My thread got very little attention when it was doing what it was posted to do, entertain and give advice that might help someone on their way
"Advice" that comes from a worldly philosophy.
...what it was turned into by others:
What you
claim it was turned into.
Coonskinner, RRFORD, Chan, and the hanger's on...was a place to accuse Rhoni of:
#1. Hiding past sins in her life
#2. Using the forum to promote her ministry
#3. Incite rebellion
#4. To bash preachers [when the only one getting bashed was Rhoni]
#5. To discredit my life, my ministry, my profession
If you're going to hang your shingle out there and presume to speak into people's lives based on some worldly philosophy (psychology) you're trying to force on the Church, you should expect others to turn the mirror in your direction.
#1 I don't know what past sins some others
may have been referring to but if you have repented of those sins, they have been forgiven and God has chosen to remember them no more. But ask yourself how often you have brought up a person's past and tried to use it against him or her (I'm not saying you have or haven't, I'm just suggesting that you do some self-examination in this area).
#2 As for using the forum to "promote" your "ministry," being a practitioner of psychology is not "ministry."
#3 Since being a practitioner of a worldly philosophy and trying to bring that philosophy into the Church
is rebellion against God, and since you are trying to get others to embrace it, you are inciting rebellion.
#4 I don't know whether you've done it in your Dear Rhoni thread or elsewhere on AFF but I know that in the past you've specifically said that pastors who don't have training in that worldly philosophy of which you're a practitioner (psychology) then they're not "qualified" to counsel others. I would consider that pastor-bashing.
#5 You really do need to learn how to separate criticisms of your "ministry" (which you don't have because being a practitioner of a wordly philosophy is not ministry) and your "profession" (your worldly philosophy is not entitled to be called a "profession" since it is nothing more than pseudoscience and false religion) from you as a person (I haven't seen much here that would really be criticisms of you as a person). You are
not your "ministry" and you are
not your "profession."
This is what got the most attention...the fact men could intimidate, invalidate, destroy reputation of a woman trying her best to live and love God.
I'm not sure how a reputation can be intimidated. No one here is trying to invalidate or destroy your reputation but if you base your reputation on being a practitioner of a worldly philosophy, you might want to take a closer look at your life and see if maybe there might be better things on which to build a reputation). Some of us are, however, trying to help you see the eternal danger you are in as you continue to be a practitioner of a worldly philosophy (psychology) and as you continue to try to bring that philosophy into the Church.
This forum could have intelligent and stimulating conversation but the holiest of us all are such as have posted these awful things. They have disrupted the flow of conversations, riddled threads with their judgments, accusations, and their holier than thou attitudes...and then we have Malvaro getting out the buttered popcorn to watch. Many too afraid to come to my defense and those that did...afraid to post more because they too will get bashed.
There is nothing "intelligent" (from a Biblical perspective) in any worldly philosophy. There is no valid defense for your worldly philosophy, your choice to continue as a practitioner of that philosophy, or your continued attempts to try to force that philosophy on the Church. This has nothing to do with you as an individual and I don't think anyone here has said anything against you as a person (I know I haven't): can you really say that you have not maligned the character of specific individuals?
This is what AFF has come to...and who is the one to blame? The spirit of the devil which many give in to in the name of righteousess...
Is it really the spirit of the devil? One might argue that the worldly philosophy of which you are a practitioner and that you're trying to force on the Church is itself from the devil.