My son came home today wearing a KISS t-shirt. I asked him where he got it and he said it was his band shirt for school and they are wearing them to homecoming.
There is no other pictures or writing, except the sponsors on the back, but the front says KISS with the typical backward Z shape of the S letters.
I'm not sure what to do about this. I'd like some advice from the forum members, especially those who have somewhat of a 'rock' background.
BTW, he's 16 and doesn't know KISS like most of us do.
Hmm, maybe not make a big deal out of it.....sometimes that can backfire.
you don't think they're hurtful because you ........ eveyrone and place all the balem on them when they backslide...
Hey lighten up Hoss, do you know who you're posting to? The Elder is not at all as you are stating. A great number of this forum has a great deal of respect for this Brother. Or is it that you just see red when ever a Conservative post?
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
I used to do that too... People would leave the church over standards, and I'd go "well, obviously they had a bad attitude about something else"...
What are you talking about?
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
But then when I really started looking at them and realizing that some of them really aren't Biblical, it started making more sense to me...
Was that right after the 49th day when you were under the Bodhi tree?
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
and then I saw (and realized) all the people who were hurting and dying and hid behind thier skirts and no makeup and following all the standards and looking the part and hid it all... They were dying and hurting and no one noticed because, by and large, as long as you can look the part and play the character you are suppose to in church no one notices the pain you are going through and the things that you just can't deal with and need help (help that you won't ask for)...
Who are you speaking for? Are you the spokemen for Standards Anonymous?
All the people I know are pretty happy bunch of Apostolics. I guess it's all that praying and worshipping they do.
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
The rules HAVE and DO hurt people and to claim otherwise shows that either you are blind or heartless...
Well, there you go folks, you see if you don't agree with this individual you are a blind and heartless? I guess that makes him slow and clueless.
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
All I'm saying is we need to realize that and re-evaluate where we stand... It isn't attacking the church and it isn't hating the church, I love the church...
What is the church that you love? Are you United Pentecostal Church International?
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
But, hey, whatever lets you sleep at night...
We all sleep very well.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Hmm, maybe not make a big deal out of it.....sometimes that can backfire.
Imagine if he came home wearing a red shirt with a white circle and a swastika in the middle. Just ignore it and hope it goes away? I guess that's what they call parenting in the U.S.A.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Imagine if he came home wearing a red shirt with a white circle and a swastika in the middle. Just ignore it and hope it goes away? I guess that's what they call parenting in the U.S.A.
Yeah, EB if my kid came home smoking dope, I wouldn't care. Sheesh, it's a T-Shirt that in her son's mind reportedly has no relevant meaning besides band class.
Imagine if he came home wearing a red shirt with a white circle and a swastika in the middle. Just ignore it and hope it goes away? I guess that's what they call parenting in the U.S.A.
For one thing, you are reading way more into this situation than you even know about.
For another, there is a big difference in what you are talking about and what the reality is of my situation.
And commenting on anything RC says is for naught, as he's no longer a member here.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Yeah, EB if my kid came home smoking dope, I wouldn't care. Sheesh, it's a T-Shirt that in her son's mind reportedly has no relevant meaning besides band class.
Oh I'm sorry I thought you were talking about sticking your head in the sand.
Listen before I get in a go nowhere discussion, let me repeat that the parents in the church family down here make sure their young people know why they do what they do concerning the church, and what the symbols mean out in the world. It's real simple, no problem, I believe in making sure the young Brothers know what is in the symbolism of certain bands. At least making sure they are educated will give them an even playing field when dealing with non-Christians.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Oh I'm sorry I thought you were talking about sticking your head in the sand.
Listen before I get in a go nowhere discussion, let me repeat that the parents in the church family down here make sure their young people know why they do what they do concerning the church, and what the symbols mean out in the world. It's real simple, no problem, I believe in making sure the young Brothers know what is in the symbolism of certain bands. At least making sure they are educated will give them an even playing field when dealing with non-Christians.
Oh I'm sorry I thought you were talking about sticking your head in the sand.
Listen before I get in a go nowhere discussion, let me repeat that the parents in the church family down here make sure their young people know why they do what they do concerning the church, and what the symbols mean out in the world. It's real simple, no problem, I believe in making sure the young Brothers know what is in the symbolism of certain bands. At least making sure they are educated will give them an even playing field when dealing with non-Christians.
For all of his seemingly Type A aggression, E.B. does posit some wisdom.
For one thing, you are reading way more into this situation than you even know about.
For another, there is a big difference in what you are talking about and what the reality is of my situation.
And commenting on anything RC says is for naught, as he's no longer a member here.
I didn't notice he was removed. Why was he banned?
Sorry I gave my opinion, you asked a question in open forum.
This discussion has moved away from your situation, am I not correct? RC and I were talking about the band Kiss and then their lyrics. You have already made your decision and your son has made it through to your satisfaction, and his. So time proves all things, may you both live long and prosper.
I don't know you or your son, and I'm giving my opinion on a computer board.
If the discussion then moved on with the posts of other members you shouldn't take it personal, and anyway no matter what it's between you and your son.
The Lord bless you and may Jesus guide you.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence