Originally Posted by Ferd
you miss-represent the facts.
All Marx wanted to do was destroy the social contract and create a new one. One based on principles he felt were greater then the ones that existed at the time.
His new social contract placed humanity at its center as opposed to God/Country/King/Class distinction.
This is the evil of Marxism and the aspects of communism that led to the great abuses of Soviet/Maoist Communism.
It is also the evil of Marxism and the aspects of Socialism as practiced in America by liberals and in Europe by everyone that have driven God out of society. (we call it Secular Progressivism)
These are the things that Marx wanted. These are the things that make Marxism and the two systems that flow from it, namely Communism and Socialism evil and counterfeit.
It is perfectly correct and fine to say that Marx in Angles borrowed from Christian principles in the creation the Humanist Secular Marxism. It is perfectly fine to suggest that where kindness to your fellow man, which is a Christian principle, shows up in the systems that have developed from the writings of Marx.
It is not fine to suggest that there is good in the counterfeit. Again, we return to the counterfeit dollar. Feeding the poor is the "green" of Marxism. However, one would not extol the virtue of the green in the counterfeit hundred dollar bill. One would see that accurate color for what it is, a pernicious evil that does damage to the US economy. The same must be said of the virtue of Marxist ideology as it relates to such things as the rhetoric of feeding the poor. It is not a truth, but a counterfeit for the truth.
You CANNOT say a counterfeit has redeeming value. You MUST return to the system that is the real and honest system and point to its virtue.
Satan is the Angel of light. We do not speak of the virtue of this counterfeit light.
OK First of all, lets get the facts straight, God was not the center of the structures Marx was trying to break down. Capitalism has NOTHING to do with God and if anything hinders people from getting to God because they are so caught up in money and greed that they can't do anything else...
Look at me, I want to go to college, but I can't, why? Because I have to finish my undergrad, then pay off my loans, THEN go to grad school to get a m-div to be able to feel like I deserve to be where God wants me to be...
the abuse of the Soviet and Maoist regimes was because they were evil and they could... They abused the power the people gave them when the people thought that everything was going to be shared equally... Just like our government abuses its power when we think they are going to use our tax money for something not retarded (not $990,000 to ship 2 $1 screws to Iraq)
The problem you are seeing is that you see Marx as counterfet, whereas I'm not saying its anything. The problem you get is in that you selectively reject that which you don't deem Christian. How come you don't reject capitalism, too? Capitalism was NOT created by men who followed God. Democracy was NOT created by men who followed God. The idea of a Republic was NOT created by men who followed God. Even the idea of a Captialistic Democratic Republic was NOT created by men who followed God ESPECIALLY if you are going to hold them up to oneness pentecostal standards...
So get off your high horse and realize that EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THIS PLANET was made by people who would make it counterfit. NOTHING is of God except for that book that you have next to you right now I'm sure. The computer you have, the Internet itself, television, radio, printing presses, NONE OF IT was made for God, it was all made by men, for men, and for greed...
The fact of the matter is that the US is just as evil as Marx was and the minute you realize that you will be a lot better off... This is NOT God's country and it never was, nor will it ever be... ESPECIALLY if we go by Apostolic Pentecostal Oneness standards... our founding fathers were just as evil as Marx, they just pretended it was Jesus they were following rather than admitting it wasn't...
Yes, Satan is an angel of light, and that light is America