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Old 08-16-2007, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
You know dancing in the Spirit means screaming at the top of your lungs, cunvulsing, shaking like you're having a seizure, flailing your arms and elbows, busting somebodies eye open, sending some folks to the hospital, stutter stepping like your body is on fire, jerking your head so that your hair turns into a ratty mess, and then "coming to" a few minutes later wondering what happened to you and wondering how you got to the other side of the sanctuary.

Certainly any conscious decision to worship God with your arms, legs, feet, and hands woud be "in the flesh" and carnal and not true worship. Of course we sing unconsciously, clap unconsciously, kneel unconsciously, pray unconsciously, raise our hands unconsciously, etc.

If the moves aren't sensual and provocative, what's the problem?
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Old 08-16-2007, 11:04 AM
apostolicdad apostolicdad is offline
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Originally Posted by LadyRev View Post
Oh give it a rest!

Years ago apostolics preached against radio, scented soap, perfumed deodorant, wearing the color red and ladies shaving their legs and armpits. To name just a few things...

Its funny how critical some people are of "new" things especially if young people are involved. All the while the same people have no problem at all with the 60 year old former drunk and country western music performer doing some very country western style dance steps in church.

This youth pastor has just one thing to say to this two faced hypocritical nonsense....STAY AWAY FROM MY YOUTH GROUP! Cause your type will be the spiritual death of them!


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Old 08-16-2007, 11:40 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Doesn't exactly beat the spontaneous heartfelt worship does it?

I don't think it's evil or anything, but my fear is that this is a similiar path the early churches took by moving towards form and litergy
Spontaneous heartfelt worship? You mean, like when the preacher is preaching and wants a drink, he says, "Let's lift our hands right now and worship our God" as he takes a drink, humming amen and halleluyah through the glass? LOL!

I see more of that during preaching than spontaneous worship. The spontaneous part is on him, the rest of us just follow directions.
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Old 08-16-2007, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Spontaneous heartfelt worship? You mean, like when the preacher is preaching and wants a drink, he says, "Let's lift our hands right now and worship our God" as he takes a drink, humming amen and halleluyah through the glass? LOL!

I see more of that during preaching than spontaneous worship. The spontaneous part is on him, the rest of us just follow directions.
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Old 08-16-2007, 11:43 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
Wow, some people seem to be intentionally missing the analogy. I know they are not that dense. Let me see if I can break it down for you.

Sis. Roxanne's mother in law brought the harmful things from outside the home into the home to keep the boys from going outside the home to do them.

Sis. Roxanne feels that we are bringing in harmful (worldly) things from outside the church into the church to keep our kids from going outside the church to do them.

One doesn't make any more sense than the other.

I am not taking a position here... simply clarifying for the intentionally obtuse!

I guess I missed the info about what worldly things are being brought into the church to keep kids from going out and doing them instead. I mean, I thought we were talking about synchronized worship and such. Kids won't be going into the world synchronizing worship to God, so I'm puzzled as to the comparison being made.
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Old 08-16-2007, 11:53 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
What kind of proof do you have that young people don't care to attend church much anymore? Our church fills up an entire section with just young people.They are the ones clapping and shouting and backing up the preacher.They were at the Youth Conference.They rode in the big Silver Eagle bus.It depends on the church.Go and click on some of the larger
congregations such as POA.The youth of that church are excited about Jesus and glad to be there.
BTW my daughter is seventeen and has a ministry.Maybe the youth in your generation hated going but hers loves it.Just a heads up but I got in church at twenty two and that is young and I have loved it ever since.I was raised not being able to feel God in worship.
The difference is in pentecostal services you are encouraged to reach out to God and are free to worship.Many denominations would kick you out the door for a too loud Amen!I am glad to be a part of something that is alive.

You just proved my point. See, when I was a kid, there weren't any options for youth. I never ever heard of Youth Congress untill I was in my mid 30's, although I had been in church all my life. I went to youth camp and that was it. We weren't allowed to fellowship even with nearby churches, and those churches that allowed their young people to do things like bowling and skating were thought of as 'going worldly'. Yes, this was back in my day. It was forbidden for us to associate with people from churches that allowed such worldly behavior.

Guess what? The young people from my church gradually left, and I can count on one hand those that are left in the church from about 50 to this day. I can only recall one youth who never got 'out of church' before coming back in, and the rest of us who are in were out for several years. The youth from the worldly churches, while they certainly lost some, retained many of them and I know several who are active in the church and ministry to this day.

See, it was thought that bowling and skating was worldly and the churches were bringing the world in for their kids. It's the same thoughts that are being posted on this thread about the events taking place in today's churches, but like those back in my day, some of you aren't seeing the big picture.

This is a different world, yes, even in the church, than when I was a kid. You show me a church thriving with youth (and even adults) that does nothing for entertainment outside of the usual church services three times a week and I'll show you a dead, dull, boring church that will lose most of it's people within ten years.

The world is full of things to do for our children. Just because we have fun in church doesn't mean we are bringing the world in, but rather, we are pushing the world out.
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Old 08-16-2007, 11:55 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by JOYoftheLord View Post
Wow......I wonder what it's going to TAKE to keep them in church 40 years from now??

Kids are being saved and staying in church because we make it about THEM??

Most kids are not as selfish as you seem to make them out to be. Most kids are saved and staying in church because they simply hear the Word preached and are drawn accordingly. That's all it will ever....EVER take
Do you do things now that you did as a child? Do you see things now as you did when you were a child?

When you were a child at Christmastime, wasn't it all about you, or was it about the adults? When you became an adult, did it sadden you to pass that feeling on to your children? Do you continue thinking it's all about you?

As children, everything is about us. It's our world. When we become adults, we mature in our thinking and ways of doing things. The children of today are the adults of tomorrow, and they will pass the torch as we have done.

And PM me the name and number of the pastor of a church full of saved young people who attend church only to be simply preached to. I'd like to know how he does it.
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Old 08-16-2007, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
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You know what I'm talkin about, don'tcha!
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Old 08-16-2007, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
You know what I'm talkin about, don'tcha!
YES! It's so funny because it's like we don't know what is going on!

Have a great day! Gotta run!
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Old 08-16-2007, 12:10 PM
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Whatever the "denominal" (I hate that word) people do, the A-church (thanks, Carpenter) stands against. After 5-10 yrs pass, the A-church has no problem implementing what the "denominal" people were doing 5-10 yrs ago.
Just an observation...
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