Jesus IS diety. He is the ONLY diety. Jesus IS a man. He, Jesus the MAN, is God almighty having become one with His Father and having been GIVEN all power both in heaven and in earth. The LORD is THAT spirit.
I think you are misunderstanding what I'm saying. Jesus was also humanity, so I'm asking, what is male, the humanity or the deity, and if the latter is the answer, what purpose does having a gender make to God?
I certainly understand the limitations of the human language, especially my own. You are right. We do not understand a genderless being. Jesus and angels are beings. We cannot think of them as being genderless. They have gender. Often the bible speaks of an angel being a MAN. The MAN Gabriel, for instance. Gender is ascribed to him.
But for what purpose? For us, or for the angels? And do angels have the physical characteristics of gender? What makes them male, other than just being referred to in that manner?
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And how do we know that God has gender, and how is that gender determined?
Of course we know that God has gender. The bible says in Isa. 9:6, "For unto us a child is born, a SON is given. His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, Prince of Peace, the MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER.
Think of that! Think: SON, FATHER, GOD! What is his name? His name is Jesus. This passage of scripture came to pass in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod. He did not stay a baby with scar tissue over his navel. Eight days after his birth he bled when his penis was circumcised. All, just like any other boy. He died but he rose again...the body having GENDER rose again. He is NOW ON HIGH, having received all power both in heaven and earth, becoming ONE with God, now called the Everlasting Father.
I am not sure how gender is determined but it has something to do with X and Y Chromosones. When I took biological chemistry, a lot of these things were not kown back then.
Gender in humans is seen at birth in only one place on the body, and other than blood tests, that's the only way to positively identify someone's gender.
How is this applied to God, even the Spirit of God, considering that the only purpose for gender is procreation?
I don't think that you are trying to say that Jesus missed his purpose here on earth. You know that he was circucised. So, it is understood that he had certain fixtures of the male anatomy which has never been discarded. The gender is the same, dear. It will be the same for eternity. esus did not come into the world to procreate. Yet HE IS A MAN.
Some people do believe that angels did have (and maybe still do have) sexual relations with humans and produced some kind of hybrid offspring. Some of this would be called "serpent seed" and some would see Genesis 6:1-2 speaking of the mating of angels with humans and producing some type of semi-human offspring.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
God is my Father. He has a gender for me to understand, and since I'm human, that's important for me to know.
But to God, gender has no importance, therefore, He doesn't have one.
He don't have ONE? I am not being scarcastic dear, because I love you to death. But, I laughed so hard until I almost fell out of my chair. Imagine that, "He doesn't have one."
Yes, he has one. In fact, on the 8th day it was circumcised. A part of His one was cut off, but he still has one. He was a man entirely like me. He is gone on into glory in his post-glorivied state, but still a man...still possessing one.
You know that I am not trying to be vulgar here, but I am using emphasis to bring home the point that God almighty is a MAN having gender...forever.
Of course we know that God has gender. The bible says in Isa. 9:6, "For unto us a child is born, a SON is given. His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, Prince of Peace, the MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER.
Right...a son is GIVEN. There was no son until He was given...and who was He given to? Us....humans.
Think of that! Think: SON, FATHER, GOD! What is his name? His name is Jesus. This passage of scripture came to pass in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod. He did not stay a baby with scar tissue over his navel. Eight days after his birth he bled when his penis was circumcised. All, just like any other boy. He died but he rose again...the body having GENDER rose again. He is NOW ON HIGH, having received all power both in heaven and earth, becoming ONE with God, now called the Everlasting Father.
You are speaking of human attributes, not deity. He had gender because He was human. God wasn't circumcized because He doesn't have physical attributes in reference to gender. That's the point I'm making.
God is called a Father in relation to us. There is no need for Him to be referred to as a Father for the angels, nor any other male personification. Being assigned a gender is for our benefit, not His.
[quote]I am not sure how gender is determined but it has something to do with X and Y Chromosones. When I took biological chemistry, a lot of these things were not kown back then. [quote]
God doesn't have chromasomes.
I don't think that you are trying to say that Jesus missed his purpose here on earth. You know that he was circucised. So, it is understood that he had certain fixtures of the male anatomy which has never been discarded. The gender is the same, dear. It will be the same for eternity. esus did not come into the world to procreate. Yet HE IS A MAN.
But you are speaking of Jesus in His human state. Are you saying that Jesus still has genitalia? Whatever for??
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He don't have ONE? I am not being scarcastic dear, because I love you to death. But, I laughed so hard until I almost fell out of my chair. Imagine that, "He doesn't have one."
Yes, he has one. In fact, on the 8th day it was circumcised. A part of His one was cut off, but he still has one. He was a man entirely like me. He is gone on into glory in his post-glorivied state, but still a man...still possessing one.
You know that I am not trying to be vulgar here, but I am using emphasis to bring home the point that God almighty is a MAN having gender...forever.
Again, you are speaking of Jesus in His human state. The topic was about the Spirit of God and does it have gender. Jesus is also God, but you keep referring to His humanity.
God wasn't circumcized. He doesn't have genitalia to require such an action.
And I know you aren't being vulgar. I can speak about these issues without feeling uncomfortable. It's the nurse in me.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!