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Old 06-27-2018, 05:34 AM
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Also please keep in mind that those who put these picture dictionaries together, are confused on the subject. Hence the reason why everyone believes Jesus wore a hotel bath robe.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 06-27-2018, 05:54 AM
JoeBandy JoeBandy is offline
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Jesus wore pants.

Mary wore a dress.

Rachel Rose wore both.

Church people seem confuse.

This generation now wants to be gender neutral.

Good grief
Pants?? Dress??? C'mon man...…you are delusional!!
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Old 06-27-2018, 06:19 AM
consapente89 consapente89 is offline
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
They are designed after it so therefore a woman should not wear them, foot going through or not. Any type of garment that surround the leg on all sides is designed as breeches are. Despite if women wear them.
Panty hose? I've heard Elder Morton preach that a lady is not fully dressed if she isn't wearing panty hose, and I agree...at least for services. I don't think we need Pentecostal ladies coming to church with bare legs.
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Old 06-27-2018, 06:50 AM
JoeBandy JoeBandy is offline
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
Panty hose? I've heard Elder Morton preach that a lady is not fully dressed if she isn't wearing panty hose, and I agree...at least for services. I don't think we need Pentecostal ladies coming to church with bare legs.
Please tell me this is sarcasm!!!
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Old 06-27-2018, 06:50 AM
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by JoeBandy View Post
Pants?? Dress??? C'mon man...…you are delusional!!
Joe you’re a big baby.

Everyone else knows what I’m doing, but you seem to be the one who is mentally ill. I told you before, you don’t like what you read when you come across one of my posts? Then put me on ignore. Joe, you’ve been a real whiner ever since you started trolling this forum. How long does it take a broken arm to heal?

Good grief
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 06-27-2018 at 06:53 AM.
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Old 06-27-2018, 06:52 AM
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by JoeBandy View Post
Please tell me this is sarcasm!!!
Joe’s on a roll.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 06-27-2018, 07:02 AM
JoeBandy JoeBandy is offline
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Joe you’re a big baby.

Everyone else knows what I’m doing, but you seem to be the one who is mentally ill. I told you before, you don’t like what you read when you come across one of my posts? Then put me on ignore. Joe, you’ve been a real whiner ever since you started trolling this forum. How long does it take a broken arm to heal?

Good grief
Arm is healed just fine. I just decided to retire early after Dad died. Some of your post are interesting others not so much. I did not pick up on your sarcasm on the subject of this thread. Also I am not whining I have been kinda blunt in communicating how you come across on this forum. I am not so shallow as to put you on ignore just because I don't agree with you. As far as the big baby comment well you not talking to Aquilla or Chris or whoever that guy is you bash all the time...….
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Old 06-27-2018, 07:06 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I can't help but think all sides of this argument are missing something...

I also can't help but think this is one of those topics that will never find solutions on an internet forum.

I agree.

I don't know if it will help, but here's what I was taught in the second UPCI church that I attended...

The Bible states:
Deuteronomy 22:5
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
This condemns the common pagan practice that involves cross dressing and gender bending perversion. This, along with homosexuality, was noted as an "abomination" against God. God created man and woman with obvious distinctions, and even outside of the garden, God desires that man and woman have distinction.

So, this isn't addressing style of dress, but rather the perversion of expressing one's self as the opposite gender. In and of itself, it doesn't condemn pants on a woman. In fact, this text would condemn men who wear women's pants and blouses, because they pertain to a woman.

Keep in mind, Deuteronomy 22:5 isn't the only verse of Scripture that addresses women's attire. In fact, lets' look at a text that is closer to home in that it is written to the NT church. In the NT we read...
1 Timothy 2:9
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
A Christian woman is to adorn herself in modest apparel. Let's ask a soul searching question. Are women's pants "modest"? If we're honest about this we will acknowledge that a woman's pants are typically designed to accentuate the sex appeal of a woman's more intimate curves and body shape. Every man who has ever known a woman who wears pants knows that the first thing she might ask when trying on a new pair of pants is, "How does my bottom look in these jeans?" And as our culture has become more sexually liberated, pants have become so tight, and shaped in a manner, that leaves little to the imagination. Even women in the world who wear pants regularly will often wear a top or blouse that is long enough to cover most, if not all, of her buttocks. Why? Because they know that their pants accentuate the more intimate regions of the body.

Christian modesty is a discipline that all born again daughters of God should aspire to. It is a discipline and a practice that isn't about covering one's self, but is about revealing one's dignity and personal devotion to Jesus. No, a woman might not instantly lose her soul for wearing pants, but is she allowing herself to be 100% surrendered to Christ in her attire? Is she wanting to flaunt herself to gain the attention of men? Is she spiritually immature and in need of prayer and study? Is she in some way perhaps at odds with spiritual or domestic authority? As a woman grows in Christ, she will aspire to modesty. And we believe that in doing so, a woman will cease wearing women's pants in public.

This position actually broadens our approach, and brings a common sense reasonableness to the discussion. Sure, a woman can wear pajama pants, perhaps uniform pants (if in the military), or even sweat pants if she is just lounging around the home on a cold winter's day. Within the home there is a significant level of liberty seeing that she is in the midst of family, not the general public. The same principle is seen with regards to families who swim together in more private settings away from the eyes of the general public.

Can pants cause a woman to eventually lose her soul? It depends. If wearing pants is a part of required uniform, no. If the pants are worn for some personal reason or concern for safety, no. If the pants are warn in hazardous weather or natural environment, no. But if it is to tempt men, to be sensual, as an act of rebellion against domestic or spiritual authority, or due to a lack of prayer, study, and pursuing modesty, then the answer would be, "yes". Because such dispositions can set the soul at odds with God's will and established order for the home and church.

Modesty is a heart issue. Many women who dress modestly are not modest at heart. And many women who simply don't know any better and are untaught in the ways of God we are modest at heart might be wearing attire that is inappropriate. The key to this issue is patience, sound teaching, encouragement, and grace. Any woman who is holy in heart will aspire to modesty. And we do well to assist her with encouragement and sound teaching so that she can search the Scriptures prayerfully as she conforms herself into the image of a bride worthy of Christ's own betrothal. When taught properly legalism is avoided while modesty and true heart centered holiness is affirmed. It is my firm conviction that a woman who aspires to the Christian discipline of modesty will indeed cease wearing pants and seek more modest and feminine attire such as dresses and skirts.

We who are in Christ are at liberty from the demands of the Law and legalism. However, let us allow this liberty in Christ to be a means, or a context, wherein we freely aspire to live modest and godly lives.

In this church, standards of modesty weren't called, "Holiness Standards". They were called, "Principles of Christian Modesty", under the heading of, "Christian Disciplines". I found this to be a thoughtful, biblical, and balanced approach.


Last edited by Aquila; 06-27-2018 at 07:11 AM.
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Old 06-27-2018, 07:18 AM
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by JoeBandy View Post
Arm is healed just fine. I just decided to retire early after Dad died. Some of your post are interesting others not so much. I did not pick up on your sarcasm on the subject of this thread. Also I am not whining I have been kinda blunt in communicating how you come across on this forum. I am not so shallow as to put you on ignore just because I don't agree with you. As far as the big baby comment well you not talking to Aquilla or Chris or whoever that guy is you bash all the time...….
First, I’m sorry for the loss of your father.

Second, I don’t care how blunt posters or trolls can get.

Third, If you keep crying about how everyone is not like you then you will be considered a whiner.

Last but not least, Chris, Aquila, Tony Randal post things which causes him to get bashed. So, I guess like you bash consepente89 and I when we post what you don’t agree with.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 06-27-2018, 07:18 AM
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Re: Did Jesus Wear Pants?

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
Panty hose? I've heard Elder Morton preach that a lady is not fully dressed if she isn't wearing panty hose, and I agree...at least for services. I don't think we need Pentecostal ladies coming to church with bare legs.
That's why they wear long dresses, my church preaches against all of that. Leggings, pantyhose and all.

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