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Old 08-05-2017, 08:32 AM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Wow, what did I miss!?!

I take my hat off to VS and Esaias.

Thank you brothers for posting such awesome material.

Modest Mamma don't worry, we have no scripture that dreams are any part of demonic activity. Even a pagan leadership like Nebuchadnezzar were given dreams from God. Pontius Pilate's wife who wasn't Judean or Christian was warned in a dream from GOD.

MM Jesus is your King, has has never let you down. Therefore you don't need magical voodoo to remedy anything.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 08-05-2017, 08:35 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
And as far as my reference to the post you made years ago about this "doll" situation, I posted what I did from memory, and sure, I got some of the details wrong.

I posted what I did. Then I went hunting for it, and edited my post to insert the link. There is nothing nefarious happening here but for an accidental, incidental slip of the memory about a small detail that was discussed nearly four years ago.

But you want to blow it up into something it's not.

So I will, too. Here goes:

Your girlfriend brings you a doll and says "Read it". You claim a supernatural download from God came to you and she was shocked. Years later you share how evil spirits, particularly Dybukkim, can be transferred into dolls, for example, and become cursed objects that need to be destroyed.

Please tell me I'm not the only one reading the handwriting on the wall?

Don't you think it possible that the doll you "read" contained a Dybukki, and that's the source of your supernatural download about it? After all, you have made sure we all know items like this can contain residual spiritual energies from evil spirits.
You said several things that are still distortions.

First, the I sent her the list while on break. I was in a hurry. Relax, there's no diabolical agenda. Just humanity. You found one point on that list that we don't agree with. Only one point. I've scratched it from the list. No big deal. She's a child of God. She'll be fine. We say oops, and keep going. We're all human.

Second, I PRAYED for a Word of Knowledge. Not a supernatural download.
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Old 08-05-2017, 10:13 AM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

But how long are we to continuing oopsing?

We are still human?

Everyone needs to consider this phrase.

It is another way to say you are incapable of doing things that would be considered correct. People do beastial things and claim it is humanity creeping through. Since when is being human being somehow contributed to flaws? Since one of the fundamental tenets of Calvinism is the inherent sinfulness of man. Calvin’s doctrine of total depravity is the belief that we are born in such a state that we are totally corrupt, inherently sinful, and unable to do what is right on our own. The doctrine states that one cannot even come to God without a direct operation of the Holy Ghost upon their heart. This doctrine is the most prevalent teaching within our culture since the first Puritan set foot on these shores. Our culture is bathed in it, mingled with the American Indian's nature cult. Rag'n'Bone Man's song "only human after all" paints this picture perfectly. That we aren't to be blamed for anything we do, because we are only human after all. Sorry, but that isn't what the Gospel teaches. We aren't supposed to remain the beast, we are to be converted to a different nature. The lion who once totally lived on flesh, is changed to eat straw. Proverbs 26:3 explains that whips, and bridles are only for animals. Meaning that animals must be forced to obey, as so do fools. But fools are said to not believe in God. Not that there isn't a God, but they don't trust Him to be correct and the only way. Cain offered a sacrifice out of religious duty, and his brother out of devotional love. We see this throughout the whole Bible. Tares look just like the wheat, and therefore they are only harvested at the time of maturity. That is why Paul spoke of a time when we should have come to full maturity, but hadn't because we never get past even the basic principles of Christ.

Are we only human after all?

Therefore we aren't too be blamed?

Sorry, but that don't cut it with Christ.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 08-05-2017, 12:37 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

wow....good stuff.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 08-05-2017, 02:59 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
And as far as my reference to the post you made years ago about this "doll" situation, I posted what I did from memory, and sure, I got some of the details wrong.

Then I went hunting for it, and edited my post to insert the link. There is nothing nefarious happening here but for an accidental, incidental slip of the memory about a small detail that was discussed nearly four years ago.
You didn't get some of the details wrong, you twisted the entire story. But that's cool. Because it demonstrates how both of us posted something without really reviewing it first. Should we continue to beat each other up over it? I don't think so. But there is a difference in our mistakes. I didn't review something sent to me, and posted it. You were trying to slander me. I mean really, why didn't you go as far as to say I had a crystal ball too?! Lol

I posted what I did. The low vibration thing was pointed out to me. So, I'm not going to use that again. It's an easy fix, and I'm thankful to have had that pointed out to me.

But you want to blow it up into something it's not.

So I will, too. Here goes:

Your girlfriend brings you a doll and says "Read it". You claim a supernatural download from God came to you and she was shocked. Years later you share how evil spirits, particularly Dybukkim, can be transferred into dolls, for example, and become cursed objects that need to be destroyed.

Please tell me I'm not the only one reading the handwriting on the wall?

Don't you think it possible that the doll you "read" contained a Dybukki, and that's the source of your supernatural download about it? After all, you have made sure we all know items like this can contain residual spiritual energies from evil spirits.
Again, you've omitted details of what really happened. We were talking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. She doubted, she handed me the doll like she wanted to see some psychic power. I smiled at the sarcasm, said a PRAYER, and the gift of knowledge came upon me, and I told her the history of the doll. No download, no energy in the doll, no Dybukki. In the spirit, I also received insight about her past, an instance of abuse, and the shame she's carried. She and I have talked about that since.

Why distort the reality of what happened?
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Old 08-05-2017, 03:04 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
All of this is highly interesting to me, because, in the Psychiatry thread I locked, you were adamant that if years of prayer and fasting and whatever doesn't heal a person's mind, that if "healing tarries", that a person who is mentally ill should carefully consider seeing a psychologist and perhaps, if prudent begin taking medications.

But here, in this thread, when a member shares some personal information about her subconscious mental state, that is causing her lots of problems and pain, you say there might be, could be, do you feel it in your gut, a demon involved.

So which is it?

You're playing both sides against the middle. The mentally ill person might not get healed, so go see a counselor, you say. A sister is having nasty dreams and other psychological issues which are common symptoms of mental illness and maybe it's a demon.

Jesus might not heal the mentally ill, you say, so go see counselor, but Jesus won't tell a sister it's parasomnia, He'd cast out the devil, and not tell her to go have a sleep study.

Sure, you can keep flipping this coin if you want to, but it's never going to land on its edge.
I felt in the Holy Ghost to go out on a limb. If I didn't feel that impression of the Spirit, I wouldn't have done so. I'd have suggested counseling.

You see, you're in the assumption of natural reasoning. The Holy Ghost can change a direction based on one's circumstance. You're approaching things from constant human logic, I'm not.

But, I do find it interesting. I took the position that counseling might be necessary in one thread, and was raked over the coals. I followed the Spirit here, and I'm raked over the coals because I didn't advocate that she has parasomnia. Y'all need to make up your minds. I'll just follow the Spirit.

Last edited by Aquila; 08-05-2017 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 08-05-2017, 03:14 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You didn't get some of the details wrong, you twisted the entire story. But that's cool. Because it demonstrates how both of us posted something without really reviewing it first. Should we continue to beat each other up over it? I don't think so. But there is a difference in our mistakes. I didn't review something sent to me, and posted it. You were trying to slander me. I mean really, why didn't you go as far as to say I had a crystal ball too?! Lol

I posted what I did. The low vibration thing was pointed out to me. So, I'm not going to use that again. It's an easy fix, and I'm thankful to have had that pointed out to me.

Again, you've omitted details of what really happened. We were talking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. She doubted, she handed me the doll like she wanted to see some psychic power. I smiled at the sarcasm, said a PRAYER, and the gift of knowledge came upon me, and I told her the history of the doll. No download, no energy in the doll, no Dybukki. In the spirit, I also received insight about her past, an instance of abuse, and the shame she's carried. She and I have talked about that since.

Why distort the reality of what happened?
Chris, do you know what a dibbūq is?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 08-05-2017, 03:15 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
As far as my initial post is concerned...

Look, I've had some horrible nightmare as a saint. I've been spiritually attacked in my dreams.

The very night I exposed what's his name and his wolf in sheep's clothing endeavor here at AFF, I had a pretty ugly dream with a demon in it as a result.

I know these dreams are real and can plague a person's mind, if they let it.

Or, they can realize that dreams are chaff compared to the wheat, and most of them are Salvador Dali-esque recycled memories and thoughts from the subconscious mind which don't mean a thing, no matter how spiritual they are.

I've also had prophetic dreams that have come true after the fact, to the very last detail, dreams that would shock and disgust and bother most people, but were from God, so wickedness in the church could be exposed. God even gave me a dream in which the very room number of the hotel a sister was secretly going to once a month to have an affair with her husband's brother, was right there before my very eyes. And it all went down-hill from there.

But when I said I had a dream about her, she realized her covering was cast off, and she confessed to it all.

So I know somethings about dreams, both from God and from the devil. And I am telling Modest Mama, and you, Aquila, and whoever else is reading this, that focusing in on the demonic ones is THE WRONG APPROACH.

Hence why I indicated they are mostly a distraction to get people's eyes off the Lord and His calling for their life. Because that's what they actually are. I was trying to show Modest Mama that fretting over them and trying to interpret them and make them something they are not, is serving the devil's design. Because now, she's freaked out, and has been for awhile, and all you seem to want to do in this thread is make her focus even more on the possibility of there being an evil spirit holed up in a fortress inside her mind, that has power over her body while she sleeps.
Brother, she confirmed to me in PM several things no one knew because they weren't on the thread. She didn't have to PM me. She could have simply said that she didn't think it was a spiritual attack, and I'd stand corrected. Only after you guys stayed in the carnal mind to attack the notion of her even possibly being under a spiritual attack did she voice that she was now confused. God isn't the author of confusion.
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Old 08-05-2017, 03:18 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Modest Mama,

Here's what you do:

1.) Trust Jesus. You believe in God? Believe in Jesus also (John 14:1)

2.) Take everything you've read in this post, and compare it to the Word of God and the inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

3.) Settle in your mind that anything that doesn't line up with the Word of God and the inner witness of the Holy Spirit in this thread is garbage and therefore meaningless, and can be rejected outright.

4.) If you are married, you and your husband should approach the elders, shepherds, and ministers of the Gospel in your local assembly, and get them as involved as you possibly can, in your life. If you are not married, do the same thing.

5.) Continue to post here at AFF if you are so inclined. You are quite welcome to do so.

6.) Know and trust that members here who have read or even participated in this thread are praying for you. Find comfort in that. Whatever disagreements have been presented doesn't mean any of us don't care about you as a person, and want the Lord's very best for you.

7.) Don't give up or give in. Ever. No matter what. The suffering you are currently experiencing will not ever compare to the glory that awaits you.
Amen. And amen. I stand in full solidarity with this post.
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Old 08-05-2017, 03:18 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I would only add that praying and fasting and seeking God's direction will, hands down, ALWAYS beat getting spiritual advice from an internet forum.
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