Originally Posted by kclee4jc
I will leave that up to the men who know. I only know what little I have seen and heard from his website and you would not agree with that it is error.
Well you posted a lot of scriptures, yet are unable to answer a single question on anything that you posted?
Please answer at least one, since you are able to post so many scriptures you should at least be able to answer at least one question.
Has brother Steve not receiveth some people?
Has brother Steve forsaken an Apostle or the Church?
Has Brother Steve done much evil to anyone?
Has brother Steve caused divisions and offenses contrary to the Apostle's doctrine? has he stopped believing the
Acts 2:38 message of the Apostles?
Has brother Steve blaspheme, if so what is his blasphemy?
Which words of brother Steve eat as doth a canker?
Where has brother Steve disobeyed the word of the Apostles?
Why should he be ashamed?
Which doctrine has brother Steve preached that is contrary to the Apostles' doctrine?
Which sin has Brother Steve committed that he may be openly rebuked for?