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Old 06-07-2007, 10:31 AM

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Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
I saw the my VAN thing.I just figured it may cause an


so I let it go!!
Its a running joke. When we first got married I tagged everything as mine cause if he ever left me then he lost everything lol
Kinda gave him an incentive to keep me around lol as if I weren't enough?
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:34 AM
Theresa Theresa is offline
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Originally Posted by Darty View Post
Let me give you a little history into my back round. I was raised in a UPC church. Very strict! Pastor was my uncle. When we walked out of his door just like his kids we were examined as to skirt length sleeves and tops. My mother was a youth leader Sunday school teacher and bus ministry leader. Sounds like the perfect place to grow up huh?
on the other hand.
My dad was an alcoholic and drug addict/dealer. When my mom and dad split up my world split up. I had every chance to choose which lifestyle I was going to live. At my dads house you could get a can of coke or a tin of Coke out of his icebox. Under every bed and couch was a box of marijuana and any pills you could imagine. My momma (before church) would wake up to speed and go to sleep on downers and smoke a 1/2 bag a day and 3 pks of cigs.
When I was 5 my aunt started taking me to church. Momma actually was a backslider. She got tired of hearing what a wonderful woman my Sunday school teacher was and came to church to show her how much she didn't appreciate her taking her daughter away from her.
Needless to say she ended up in church.

Now my husband grew up in a family where there was never conflict. The loved the Lord worked in the church and spent alto of time together as a family. The church was a good place with people who loved them and they loved and worked as a complete unit together.

are you seeing the differences in the way we were raised? lol

Momma started dating when I was about in 4th grade and I was soon pushed off to the side while she raised his kids and fell in love. Tired of being alone and the struggle of making ends meet the got married when I was about 15Then that is where the real troubles began. I pretty much lived by myself from 16-18. My mother and my step father fought alot. Usually about the kids. Her kid and his blood. They would live together for about 3 months and then I would be awoken in the middle of the night of screams we have to get out of here he is going to kill me!!! so I would get up in my jammies and run to the car to the shelter of our house. Yes she still had her house from previous marriage. Eventually I got tired of the morning alarm clock and decided I'm just staying home. I didn't want to live there anyways. She couldn't spend a penny with out having to explain where it went even though she worked and made it herself. Money was ok to spend as long as it was what he had approved. They had separate accounts and what was his was his and she had nothing. (except her house and car.) I would live with them or with her and when I got in the way which was often... then I would be shipped off to stay with my grandmother or my uncle who was a preacher. so I decided to live in my mothers house and raise myself. It seemed so much easier then moving every three months to move back in, in a month.
While I lived alone I wasn't allowed to have a car and she wasn't suppose to support me in any way. If I wouldn't live in his house then I could do it myself. 16 yrs old remember. Of course she did buy me food and help me and remember she was back every couple months anyways lol We had a tough life.
Then one day my cousin called and told me about these guys who were really in church. So to my Uncles (pastor) I went met D4T and we got married a year later.
There is so much I could tell you about my life... Soap Opera City man lol But if you looked at us on the outside we were NOT compatible!!! He had the perfect life with no conflict and my life was nothing but conflict.
I was very outgoing and spunky said what I thought an my most common phrases were I DON'T CARE!!! and WHATEVER!
My answer to most comments were I hate it!... an my wonderful husband would tell me (when we were dating) with a smile on his face... then you don't have IT. I would look at him at first and say what? then he would sing cause IT makes ya wanna love everybody.... I would roll my eyes and smile and we would laugh together. There were alot of things in my personality that he has helped me to change. I'm not as pointed with my words and I have a tendency to think before I speak but it took years and lots of patience on both of our parts. There are aspects of my life that I have taught him to stand up for himself and not be run over cause "everyones out to get you" LOL
And aspects of his life that have taught me to sit down and be silent because "everyone isn't out to get me" Its a give and take thing and a daily learning of what is good and what is not.
He has given me peace, consistent love, and a wonderful home and family. When we were dating we went through a hard time when I had to leave TX and come back to Louisiana. He sold everything and come to La to be with me. I gave him a card that said thanx for not going away. I have to admit I still send him cards that say thanks for not going away. I had been tossed aside all my life for other things and people. No one ever really cared about me unless I was useful. And D4T was the first person in my life to believe in me an not throw me away for anyone or anything.
I said all this to say this that even if your not compatible you can make a marriage work and work well. You just have to get over your past hurts and stupid personality quirks. LOL
I would say something, but I have this huge lump in my throat
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:36 AM
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This is going to have to end eventually. I feel a little uneasy about all of the discussion about us although our marriage is one of my favorite subjects.

But I want to add this to the mix.

There has been a lot said about what I brought to the table but I have told Darty this before and never want it to be overlooked or forgotten...

It takes 2 to tango.

None of what I may have been given in my upbringing does anything at all unless she chooses to allow our home to be a peaceful home.

I was too soft in many ways and didn't know how to stand for myself. She has brought another dimension to my personality.

It doesn't matter who was raised in what.. it all still boils down to this... it takes both giving an effort and neither of you are "the hero" except in the sense that each of you are allowed to be one anothers hero.

We have both benefited equally from this "odd couple" that we are.
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
D4T thanks for the hints.I saw them.Did you read the article I posted?
Yes I certainly did...

Great things were said in there.
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:41 AM

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[QUOTE=ForeverBlessed;143554]Actually I did catch that and the reference that the money is considered hers/his in an earlier post.

I'm glad you all are able to have such a good working relationship, I've enjoyed reading your posts. However, I know nothing is perfect where humans are concerned. You never know what you could face in life.

I guess I was raised a little traditional. I was raised that money, property, children... is OURS in a marriage because you are one. What is yours is his and what is his is yours... :
Concerning our bank accounts lol It truly is one.
But because of record keeping we have kinda divided things up. I love that man but he is human
We have several accounts actually lol
I have mine that my check is deposited into
He has his that his check it deposited into and we have another one that is strictly bills account.
They are all linked together so we both see where our money is going and if either of us get into a bind we can transfer from one account to the other but it makes it much easier when we get paid to move money into the bills account and see that I have 100.00 left over for what ever I need gas/food/SHOES lol and not worry about did he go to Lowe's and how much did he spend and what is left over? (my husband is addicted to Lowe's) lol
he moves his money into the bills account and we pay bills through that account and only bills. Thus he knows how much money he has left over to go to Lowe's and doesn't have to worry if I went to Old Navy and how much is left over. Its not a his/mine thing it is record keeping skills! lol Just makes things easier to keep up with when he doesn't have to keep up with my spending or I his. It works well for us.
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:47 AM

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It doesn't matter who was raised in what.. it all still boils down to this... it takes both giving an effort and neither of you are "the hero" except in the sense that each of you are allowed to be one anothers hero.

We have both benefited equally from this "odd couple" that we are. [/QUOTE]


Darty runs up to D4T and stamps a HUGE S on his shirt
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
This is going to have to end eventually. I feel a little uneasy about all of the discussion about us although our marriage is one of my favorite subjects.

But I want to add this to the mix.

There has been a lot said about what I brought to the table but I have told Darty this before and never want it to be overlooked or forgotten...

It takes 2 to tango.

None of what I may have been given in my upbringing does anything at all unless she chooses to allow our home to be a peaceful home.

I was too soft in many ways and didn't know how to stand for myself. She has brought another dimension to my personality.

It doesn't matter who was raised in what.. it all still boils down to this... it takes both giving an effort and neither of you are "the hero" except in the sense that each of you are allowed to be one anothers hero.

We have both benefited equally from this "odd couple" that we are.
Brother don't feel uneasy.There are people on here who aren't posting but are reading this thread because they simply have been hurt or currently are going through a divorce or on the verge of one.You are not out in public you are among others who have been through it as well.
Do you have any idea what the divorce rate is for apostolics lately? I would love
to see an analysis.Its horrible.There are couples in the churches who have divorced and remarried and come back and have more children with the second spouse and the first is sitting on the pew with the new husband or wife.Basically its not an area anyone has picked up the banner on.The children are getting confused over it.Somebody needs to travel and teach family seminars.Someone who is successful.Pray about it.So you are not perfact.Who is?
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Darty View Post

Darty runs up to D4T and stamps a HUGE S on his shirt

I told you to stop putting the "S"impleminded logo on my chest.

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Old 06-07-2007, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
There are couples in the churches who have divorced and remarried and come back and have more children with the second spouse and the first is sitting on the pew with the new husband or wife.

I could not bear that.

That pains me to even hear that.
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:51 AM
Theresa Theresa is offline
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Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
Brother don't feel uneasy.There are people on here who aren't posting but are reading this thread because they simply have been hurt or currently are going through a divorce or on the verge of one.You are not out in public you are among others who have been through it as well.
Do you have any idea what the divorce rate is for apostolics lately? I would love
to see an analysis.Its horrible.There are couples in the churches who have divorced and remarried and come back and have more children with the second spouse and the first is sitting on the pew with the new husband or wife.Basically its not an area anyone has picked up the banner on.The children are getting confused over it.Somebody needs to travel and teach family seminars.Someone who is successful.Pray about it.So you are not perfact.Who is?
I will say to D4T and darty - there is much truth in this post - what you've shared, especially what has been seen today, had been for the benefit of others reading...

Thank you for being so transparent. I personally think you have helped folks here
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