Originally Posted by Hoovie
I would miss the internet MUCH more than TV... I rarely find anything entertaining even when around TV for days on end.
Thank you for making my POINT! It is absolutely hypocritical to make TV an ISSUE and NOT THE INTERNET!
There are way more things on the internet that are much, much worse than television! (Things you will NEVER EVER find on TV.....are readily available on the internet!)
Sorry, but people that think like this ..... that think it is OK to have internet and not a TV... is basically having a double standard. If this drives them into another organization because they somehow think people are going to hell for owning or watching stuff on TV, then so be it! The UPCI already has enough judgemental people without adding to the problem.
I am in the UPCI, but I do NOT hide my TV when someone comes over. That is just plain stupid! Matter of fact I have two, one in the living room and one in my room.....right next to my computer monitor.
There are MANY, MANY UPCI Ministers that have had TV for years! It is way past time this resolution passed and people got off this issue!
I would respect some UPCI members and even the UPCI itself...IF they banned BOTH television and internet out of their lives.
But to say TV is bad but internet is OK is not only ignorant, but it insults the intelligence of it's members!
For those that say "TV was bad way back when...so it should be bad today".
I have a question for you, what do you think the "old- timers" would say if they saw some of the stuff that is available on the internet? I personally think they would have a heart attack. And I also think they would be way more prone to ban the internet than the TV!
To me, it is pure hypocracy! Anything that is on TV right now, you can watch on the internet. So what is the difference?
I actually think some people want to be different to be different, not because it has to do with biblical principals! If they feel like they have to leave the organization over this one issue just to make a point, then they can feel completly free to leave and go to some other organization that they will feel more comfortable in. One thing is for sure, I will not miss judgemental people like that!