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Old 06-22-2007, 12:20 PM
Kutless Kutless is offline
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
I would be interested in discussing this in the context of the affirmation statement debate. How long should one stay in an org if they come to disagree with even one of the articles they have previously agreed to believe, teach and practice?

Is this really an integrity issue?
Pastor up until a couple days ago I would have said.....Leave NOW! Its hypocritical.

I feel like Ive changed my stance. Is that OK?

Someone said the other day....."have you followed all the "whatever's" in the manual? Mixed bathing, sports, etc etc."

I seriously doubt there are more thatn a small percentage of ministers that have followed to a "T"

I know I am not much more than a 6th grade reader but this is my opinion.

To whom it may concern.....don't leave.
He Forgives and Forgets

have your pets spayed or neutered
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Old 06-22-2007, 12:21 PM
Kutless Kutless is offline
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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Until General Conference in Tampa?
ANd if that doesn't float I agree with CC1.
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have your pets spayed or neutered
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Old 06-22-2007, 12:25 PM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Originally Posted by Kutless View Post
Pastor up until a couple days ago I would have said.....Leave NOW! Its hypocritical.

I feel like Ive changed my stance. Is that OK?

Someone said the other day....."have you followed all the "whatever's" in the manual? Mixed bathing, sports, etc etc."

I seriously doubt there are more thatn a small percentage of ministers that have followed to a "T"

I know I am not much more than a 6th grade reader but this is my opinion.

To whom it may concern.....don't leave.
Isn't that lying? How sad that we promote and accept dishonesty.
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Old 06-22-2007, 12:30 PM
Kutless Kutless is offline
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
Isn't that lying? How sad that we promote and accept dishonesty.
from the disclaimers that you have stated are sent in with the AS...is it lying?

Is it dishonest when the hierarchy know what is happening?
He Forgives and Forgets

have your pets spayed or neutered
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Old 06-22-2007, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
In any relationship there are two sides to every story and a person dealing with a couple will not have a full picture of what's going on until both sides are communicated...

1. Abuse in any situation is grounds for seperation in my opininon... leading to Divorce if necessary.. there is no reason a person should be told to stay in a abusive situation..

2. Adultery is not immediate grounds for a divorce.. Relationships can be worked out even when adultery is involved...

3. Not all pregant unwed mothers should marry the Father of their child... this can lead to major problems..

I think if any two people are willing to do what it takes to make a relationship work any problem can be worked out and the relationship saved...

if only one trys... the relationship is doomed..
I agree but if my husband cheats on my it will take ALOT for me to stay with him - once the trust is broken I don't know if it can ever be mended - my mind would always be tortured as to what he is doing when we are apart.
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Old 06-22-2007, 01:49 PM
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From my experience watching my friends marriage and mine that there are alot of things that you can use as excuses for breaking up. I did say excuses not reasons. Though I know people that were in violent relationships that had to leave. I know other that "got sick of fighting." I agree with Rev Randy I believe it was that said relationships grow and sometimes people grow together and sometime people grow apart.

I know some people that have grown to be such great friends that they did not see each other in a sexual way anymore and divorced, stayed friends and were fine from then on. They went on and married other people and those others are their soulmates. That is the exception not the rule obviously. I do not think anyone really wants to get a divorce, but sometimes it seems that is the only real option left. I remember in the old days ministers would say get in the spirit and it will take care of any of the problems. That is true in some instances, but I know more that after getting in the spirit ended up breaking up cause they felt a release to do so.

I am not for divorce, but sometimes people put themselves or get themselves in weird situations. People are close friends with the spouse with very little romace and they fall for someone else. My wife and I made a rule when we got married that if we felt that we were going to cheat or want out that we would tell each other so we can work through it. That is soooo much easier said than done. Neither of us want to get out of the marriage, but the more years past I think that my wife would explode and so would I if we each confessed that we had cheated. I think it all comes down to how much you want to work on problems. Always easier said than done.
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