I had a clerk offend at the grocery store so I quit going to all grocery stores all the clerks only care about money and not my feelings.
Since I could not go to the grocery store because I was so hurt I started eating in resturants then one day a waitress hurt me I was so wounded I could never go back into another resturant.
So I started ordering pizzas then one night the delivery man was late and my pizza was cold he did not care for me so I was hurt and will never order a pizza again.
So because I could not eat I became sick and went to the hospital a nurse stuck me with a needle and told me to lie still she was a dictator I was hurt so I went home and I said NEVER will I go to a hospital they don't love me there and besides they had the nerve to send me a bill.
Finally I died I don't know if the undertaker loves me or not but he will put on me what he wants me to wear, put me in the room he chooses, have the service at his convience, then bury me without shedding a tear. At least he didn't hurt me.
It’s time to get over it and pray through this situation. Aren’t you people adults? So stop acting like a child who wants sympathy, and a pat on the back, and you want someone to tell you that it’s ok. You know it‘s not ok not to have a church. You say you’ve been hurt by your pastor, and pulled out of the UPC, or all church attendance anywhere. You hate all pastors everywhere because they are all liars you say. And now you can’t trust anyone else to pastor you, so find a church that teaches truth. All Pastors are not cut from the same mold. You need a church and you need a pastor. So stop being so childish and grow up. We can’t hold grudges folks. It’s time to get over whatever the problem is. After all, aren’t you people adults? You sound so childish by starting all these silly threads demeaning the UPC and all Pastors too. It’s time to get over it and Get In A Church Somewhere.
It’s OK with most people if your boss dictates what we should wear. I know plenty who dress in uniform in order to hold a job, but He’s paying us to do this. That makes all the difference. It’s ok if our Boss expects us to report to work on time, and follow some form of standard. And we tolerate it if he gets on our case occasionally, after all he pays our salary, and that makes all difference in the world. We are willing to do lots of things we may not like in order to hold a job, but you will not allow our Pastor to lead you to Jesus.
And, to whom are you referring in particular, Ms. Regular Poster In Disguise?
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
I think in all things that requires growth, mentorship is expedient to that end. And with regards to leading flock, it is incumbent on leaders to care after Christ's sheep as Christ mentioned to Peter...it is a high responsibility and leaders need to be very mindful and not take it lightly or act haphazardly. Newborn believers, more often than not, need and depend on good mentorship...
Well said, and I totally agree. And there are great spiritual leaders in the body, just important that folks find them.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
I had a clerk offend at the grocery store so I quit going to all grocery stores all the clerks only care about money and not my feelings.
Since I could not go to the grocery store because I was so hurt I started eating in resturants then one day a waitress hurt me I was so wounded I could never go back into another resturant.
So I started ordering pizzas then one night the delivery man was late and my pizza was cold he did not care for me so I was hurt and will never order a pizza again.
So because I could not eat I became sick and went to the hospital a nurse stuck me with a needle and told me to lie still she was a dictator I was hurt so I went home and I said NEVER will I go to a hospital they don't love me there and besides they had the nerve to send me a bill.
Finally I died I don't know if the undertaker loves me or not but he will put on me what he wants me to wear, put me in the room he chooses, have the service at his convience, then bury me without shedding a tear. At least he didn't hurt me.
I stopped going to the Golf store because I realized that it was pointless to go to the golf store when I do not even like or understand golf. I still go to other stores that I enjoy, but decided that if the only reason I was going to the golf store was because other people liked golf and expected me to like it too, then that wasn't a very good reason...
Wow! What a thread. I am afraid I have nothing of value to contribute, so I should refrain...but then, some would say that NOTHING I contribute is of value...so here goes anyway...
I see two sides to the issue:
1) People who allow their hurt to separate them from the body. There is no excuse for this, and they ought to know that this attitude sends one to hell.
2) Pastors who allow their authority to become so great in their eyes that they believe they can say anything, do anything, or dictate anything they please...without regard for the lives that they may be destroying. This attitudes also sends them to hell.
No wonder somebody said, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling..."
__________________ Oh! That I may be found faithful!
I stopped going to the Golf store because I realized that it was pointless to go to the golf store when I do not even like or understand golf. I still go to other stores that I enjoy, but decided that if the only reason I was going to the golf store was because other people liked golf and expected me to like it too, then that wasn't a very good reason...
See!!!!!!!!! I understand completely. What has golf every done for you?? And some of those golfers have bad attitudes and even some have caddies to carry their clubs which are too expensive.
I had a clerk offend at the grocery store so I quit going to all grocery stores all the clerks only care about money and not my feelings.
Since I could not go to the grocery store because I was so hurt I started eating in resturants then one day a waitress hurt me I was so wounded I could never go back into another resturant.
So I started ordering pizzas then one night the delivery man was late and my pizza was cold he did not care for me so I was hurt and will never order a pizza again.
So because I could not eat I became sick and went to the hospital a nurse stuck me with a needle and told me to lie still she was a dictator I was hurt so I went home and I said NEVER will I go to a hospital they don't love me there and besides they had the nerve to send me a bill.
Finally I died I don't know if the undertaker loves me or not but he will put on me what he wants me to wear, put me in the room he chooses, have the service at his convience, then bury me without shedding a tear. At least he didn't hurt me.
See!!!!!!!!! I understand completely. What has golf every done for you?? And some of those golfers have bad attitudes and even some have caddies to carry their clubs which are too expensive.
Exactly... golf has given me nothing but bad memories (have you ever been hit by a golf ball?) I've determined that it has no relevance in my life at all. While I respect that other people enjoy playing golf, and some even do so religiously, that does not meant that I need to play golf. They are welcome to play golf as long as they do not expect me to do so.... and just because I don't think everyone has to play does not mean that I dislike the caddy. I just don't want the caddy imposing his opinions on me as to how to play the game, when he can't even prove that he actually works at the golf course, and I am not sure I want to play, anyways.
I had a clerk offend at the grocery store so I quit going to all grocery stores all the clerks only care about money and not my feelings.
Since I could not go to the grocery store because I was so hurt I started eating in resturants then one day a waitress hurt me I was so wounded I could never go back into another resturant.
So I started ordering pizzas then one night the delivery man was late and my pizza was cold he did not care for me so I was hurt and will never order a pizza again.
So because I could not eat I became sick and went to the hospital a nurse stuck me with a needle and told me to lie still she was a dictator I was hurt so I went home and I said NEVER will I go to a hospital they don't love me there and besides they had the nerve to send me a bill.
Finally I died I don't know if the undertaker loves me or not but he will put on me what he wants me to wear, put me in the room he chooses, have the service at his convience, then bury me without shedding a tear. At least he didn't hurt me.
ROFL! This is pretty funny! I love it!
LadyRev said 'that'll preach!'
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
It’s time to get over it and pray through this situation. Aren’t you people adults? So stop acting like a child who wants sympathy, and a pat on the back, and you want someone to tell you that it’s ok. You know it‘s not ok not to have a church. You say you’ve been hurt by your pastor, and pulled out of the UPC, or all church attendance anywhere. You hate all pastors everywhere because they are all liars you say. And now you can’t trust anyone else to pastor you, so find a church that teaches truth. All Pastors are not cut from the same mold. You need a church and you need a pastor. So stop being so childish and grow up. We can’t hold grudges folks. It’s time to get over whatever the problem is. After all, aren’t you people adults? You sound so childish by starting all these silly threads demeaning the UPC and all Pastors too. It’s time to get over it and Get In A Church Somewhere.
It’s OK with most people if your boss dictates what we should wear. I know plenty who dress in uniform in order to hold a job, but He’s paying us to do this. That makes all the difference. It’s ok if our Boss expects us to report to work on time, and follow some form of standard. And we tolerate it if he gets on our case occasionally, after all he pays our salary, and that makes all difference in the world. We are willing to do lots of things we may not like in order to hold a job, but you will not allow our Pastor to lead you to Jesus.
Welcome to the Bullseye Club! You are welcomed in Jesus name!