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Old 03-23-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by tbpew View Post
PO Rocks.

You can NEVER FIND a GOLDSTAR emoticon when you need one!
That is the highest compliment coming from you, tbpew!
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:17 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I think the purpose is in her title - making a statement.

Speaking for myself just because you leave an organization MANY automatically believe you are lost. People like Sherri and I deal with that - - just because I left UPC doesn't mean I'm a lost sinner. So, when someone goes and does something silly like this minister's wife (so in your face) it really irks you and does give others a bad rap.
I do, totally, see your point.

Do you remember when I made the statement that I looked around and didn't see anyone that had anything better than what we had or have? I think I went as far to say that I didn't see anyone setting a better example.

This point of view, I have, is exactly what Sherri is talking about in this thread. Many UPC people look around and see what she has referenced and, therefore, we don't look any further. Why would we? We see more of what Sherri referenced than the life she is trying to portray.
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:23 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

I NEVER meant for this to be a UPC bashing thread. I'm sorry if it has turned into that. There are good and bad people in every group.

I guess what I'm wondering is this:
Is it better from someone who obviously "needs" rules to live right, to stay in a safe place/group like UPC? I seem to know several who need someone setting those kinds of guidelines, and as long as they are with that group, they thrive. But IF this kind of stuff is in their heart, are they ok just because they're not doing wrong because it's enforced? If the heart is evil, aren't they still in danger, even if they're not actually doing the wrong things?

Does this make any sense????
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:25 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

I also apologize for gossip, if that's what this is. I just don't consider it gossip, I guess, if no names are involved. Anyway, I repent.
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I do, totally, see your point.

Do you remember when I made the statement that I looked around and didn't see anyone that had anything better than what we had or have? I think I went as far to say that I didn't see anyone setting a better example.

This point of view, I have, is exactly what Sherri is talking about in this thread. Many UPC people look around and see what she has referenced and, therefore, we don't look any further. Why would we? We see more of what Sherri referenced than the life she is trying to portray.
Now this is a very good point. It's easy to suspect people who leave any denomination of changing their core beliefs, (that would seem to be the basic premise of change anyway) and inwardly continue to do so unless they prove us wrong or earn our trust in some way. Why? Because I've seen so many leave, and turn into wild sinners who curse worse than the average gangster on a bad day, and have the same level of morality as an x-rated movie. Even worse are those who do so and still say they are Christians under the nondenominational or charismatic label.

There's another group who fall into immorality, and then leave to attend "looser" churches in what seems to be an attempt to avoid accountability.

So I will agree that these kinds of people give others a bad rap, and the "others" (the good ones) seem like the exception to the rule.

Normally we tend to think within our own personal paradigm. How's that for redundancy?
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--David Livingstone

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Old 03-23-2009, 01:31 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I NEVER meant for this to be a UPC bashing thread. I'm sorry if it has turned into that. There are good and bad people in every group.

I guess what I'm wondering is this:
Is it better from someone who obviously "needs" rules to live right, to stay in a safe place/group like UPC? I seem to know several who need someone setting those kinds of guidelines, and as long as they are with that group, they thrive. But IF this kind of stuff is in their heart, are they ok just because they're not doing wrong because it's enforced? If the heart is evil, aren't they still in danger, even if they're not actually doing the wrong things?

Does this make any sense????
This is just my point of view and what I never share when I read various discussions. Let's see, how do I put this......

When I look at myself, my personality, my desires, my hopes, and especially my weaknesses and things that can tempt me - I know that these things will be with me regardless of how I dress. The Holy Ghost did not change my personality nor did it take away my weaknesses. It simply gave me strength and power to overcome - as long as - I stay in Him.

Therefore, this woman's blog, for me, has nothing to do with where she was raised, what church she attended - it's about her heart and what has always been inside her heart that she has carried, more than likely - secretly - and what she has always and will always contend with.
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:33 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Now this is a very good point. It's easy to suspect people who leave any denomination of changing their core beliefs, (that would seem to be the basic premise of change anyway) and inwardly continue to do so unless they prove us wrong or earn our trust in some way. Why? Because I've seen so many leave, and turn into wild sinners who curse worse than the average gangster on a bad day, and have the same level of morality as an x-rated movie. Even worse are those who do so and still say they are Christians under the nondenominational or charismatic label.

There's another group who fall into immorality, and then leave to attend "looser" churches in what seems to be an attempt to avoid accountability.

So I will agree that these kinds of people give others a bad rap, and the "others" (the good ones) seem like the exception to the rule.

Normally we tend to think within our own personal paradigm. How's that for redundancy?

I agree and Abigial - I love to read your posts!!!
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:35 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I also apologize for gossip, if that's what this is. I just don't consider it gossip, I guess, if no names are involved. Anyway, I repent.
I'm sorry if I offended you by pointing to it as gossip. IMO, it is, being that a blog was referenced, nonetheless, you have brought out a point that is advantageous to discuss and I believe has always been an undercurrent on this forum. To that point, I have to say, it's a good discussion!
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:45 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I'm sorry, I'll have to read the article later. I really am spending more time here today, than I have time for.

What was useful in repeating what a carnal person may have put in their blog?
I really haven't seen anyone express an interest in "repeating" anything - "carnal" or otherwise.

There has been some interest expressed in reading the blog. From my perspective, this level of interest is about the same as whenever you see anything discussed with "exUPCer" in the tag line.
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Old 03-23-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: This Is Why We Get a Bad Rap!!

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I also apologize for gossip, if that's what this is. I just don't consider it gossip, I guess, if no names are involved. Anyway, I repent.
You could say it's a blog review and not gossip, but then you'd have to provide the source. (tic)

To qualify as gossip, one needn't need names. Gossip is speaking specifically about a person, etc, even without naming names.
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