Originally Posted by pelathais
I have 3 teen agers - I can't imagine myself "beating" them under any circumstances. The very thought crushes my spirit.
Maybe it's my terminology-- My family uses the word "beating", for spanking, disciplining, etc. However, for a teenager a spanking would hardly be appropriate.
I have one brother who when he "started smelling himself" (around 14) he became awfully disrespectful and arrogant.
Once, my Mom literally threw a pot at him, a couple of plates too. He insulted her cooking one too many times. She literally chased him out of the house. She was in tears whenever she had to do this. He would not listen or shut-up.
I must add, he was ruthless and even made me angry with his smart mouth and nastiness.
My Dad literally had to resort to blows with my brother, and physically throw him out the house at 17. A couple of times he chased him out. Never make him leave home permanently, but he had to learn (time and time again) to respect our parents.
That brother is alright today because he received some much needed tough love from my Dad and my Mom too.