Joel, the ark..Noah's ark. It says 8 souls were saved by argued there were OTHER men...sons of men on the ark that were OTHER races and argued that is where the sons of noah got their wives....then you changed it to they got them before they got on the ark....
I never said they got their wives before they got on the ark even though they did.There were 8 sons of God.Noah,his wife,three sons,his three sons wives who were of other races that believed and became sons of God.Then there were other sons of man from other races also.
In other words Timmy..."I know I am right no matter how much you prove me wrong because I am a superduper infallable spiritual prophet of God and if you disagree with my views you must be a sinner false prophet of God because only I can be the superduler infallable spiritual prophet of God on the planet and all that claim they are prophets can be tested by comparing their views to my own"
You or no one else has proven me wrong.Sorry to tell ya.Yes I might make a mistake if I get out of the Spirit and into the flesh.No superduper infallable spiritual prophet here. Just because the church don't know of any true apostles and prophets don't mean the isn't any.
Joel...there were only 8 souls saved by the flood dude....seriously...the more you make this up as you go along the less credibility you have. You should quit at this stage of the game and just admit you were wrong
I'm not making up any thing and most I had a knowledge of before I started the thread.You can go to my forum and see most posted there and you know you and I went over most of this over a yr. ago.
LOL...Joel says this over and over "once again no scripture" and then insists he does not need to post scriptures...Well folks you all know what that means
That's why I quit responding to him. He continues just posting trash. I don't care to listen to trash.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
That doesn't say it was AFTER A************ and Eve had more children. Just because it gives Adam's geneology later does not mean this is chronological order unless it says it is
Prax, just give it up, man. You tell him over and over but I think you'd have better luck witnessing to a brick wall.
Probably better response too.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
This from a guy who claims he needs no scripture for other things? Okaaaay!
Originally Posted by Joelel
No scripture needed,think about it.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."