Originally Posted by The Dean
You totally disagree?
Then, if you TOTALLY disagree, just how thin can a group split hairs and still be right with their convictions? Just how thin indeed?
Based on convictions alone, shall we burst apart, form separate denominations, organizations, votiing caucuses based on each and every lil' ol' conviction that might loom so greatly in a little mind while it is only hardly worth a mention in a larger mind?
Are convictions right and holy if a break up occurs over wine vs. juice? How about a huge break up over Trib vs. Post Trib.? Just how small can a mind get before these issues become stumbling blocks over which fellowship is no longer acceptable?
If the principles of being in one mind and in one accord in regard to the basics of the gospel that Jesus gave us, is not the ruling CONVICTION, these other so called convictions ARE NOT convictions AT ALL. They are issues of CONTROL at worst, or the product of a deceived heart based on illusions of grandeur and personal importance at best. When one is so deceived as to believe that "I alone know what is best for God's people," their estimation of themselves ranks equal to God. They have forgotten the way of humble service and submission.
On a former post, I got a little radical...which is not hard to do when such issues are presented as grave as the break of fellowship over such STUPID considerations. Truly God is EVERYWHERE, even as David said, though he descended to the lowest hell, he is there also. I should not have made the statement that "God was not there," technically speaking. However, I will say that God is NOT PLEASED.
David got a little radical when he said that all men are liars.
I might not get that radical but like two fishermen were talking when one said to another, "All men are liars except you and I...sometimes I wonder about you." Doubts whether or not God is in CONTROL, distrust sewn among bretheren, discord as a result of a vote, passion generated by letter writing, separation from bretheren and collapse of the house of peace is a sure indication that the racket heard is a fox in the hen house.
Darkness is of both mind and spirit. It takes darkness to hide the stealthiness of the working of the enenmy. Yes, God was there but the heat felt was not the heat from heavenly light. There is another source of heat.