From scripture we know Mephibosheth had a mustache.
David let his spitt run down his beard
1 Sam 21:13
Ezra had aq beard Ez 9:3
Jesus had a beard Is 50:6
Aaron had a beard
Ps 133:2
All of Davds made had beards, Hanun siezed them and to humilate them cut off one side of their beards.
2 Sam 10:45
Lev 19:27 Commands God s people in the OT not to clip the edges of their beards
There is MORE biblical support for Christian me to wear beards than to shave.
But, oh well so much for our scripturual consistency.
We'll load every regulation we can on women but not on man.
I have mustache and goatee going since Sunday. I've had it before but my daughter wanted me to shave it off for her wedding.
It's coming back. hope my wife likes it. ;-)