Here we have the LEFT defending Ted Cruz. Amazing!!! So, the title is from Red State capturing the Washington Post link. LOL! They are also amazed the LEFT would defend a good man.
ARMAGEDDON! The Washington Post Defends Ted Cruz And Rick Tyler While Rubio Helps Trump
Ted Cruz is not running a dirty campaign, despite what Donald Trump and Marco Rubio would argue. But that idea just cost Cruz’s spokesman, Rick Tyler, his job.
First, his opponents are more than willing to make a big deal out of these not-very-big issues because it serves their own political goals to do so. Trump plays them up because he wants people to think that maybe he won Iowa, which he didn’t. Carson plays them up because he wants people to think that he’s actually a good candidate, which he isn’t.
Why? That brings us to the second point: The repetition of the accusation that he’s playing dirty by his opponents and their supporters and some in the media puts his campaign under much greater scrutiny than his opponents. Cruz is now seen as a dirty campaigner, so he has to meet a higher bar than Trump or Carson. Marco Rubio sent an email to voters in South Carolina telling them to look out for dirty tricks from Cruz — a way of getting them to consider anything from Cruz skeptically. This is how politics works; campaigns try to frame one another as low-energy or a “chaos candidate” or whatever, and sometimes it sticks (as in the first example there). But this is what Cruz has been saddled with.
Let me just add my own analysis of this issue:
Carson doesn't want to take responsibility that his own staffer leaked he was going home to Florida to get a change of clothes, which is the most unstable image you could put out. And Carson wonders why CNN picked that up and ran with it. What if a staffer in the Cruz camp leaked he was going to Houston to change his pants? Carson out performed himself, and was not going to win or come in ahead of anyone else. He has had a shaky campaign, left twice to do a book tour, the second time going on The View. He's just ridiculous.
Then I looked into the bogus photoshop issue. Not surprised that Establishment backing National Review would have something on it. I was pleasantly surprised to see some intelligent and sane people in the comments pointing out that it was a campaign advertisement and it did indeed depict that Rubio cast the deciding TPA vote that Obama wanted. Indeed, he did so AFTER knowing that Mitch McConnell lied about NO back room deal. That lie of a photoshop job was so over the top stupid, I can't believe there is an argument there. Maybe it is plain to me as I have worked in advertising and saw it for what it really was.
And then we get into the campaign flyer which was modeled off the RNC flyer that the IOWA Governor and Secretary of State used in 2014, same type that Rubio and Joni Ernst used. The envelope had the Cruz campaign address in small letters, because that then makes it legal to send. Maybe a redneck wouldn't know to look for these things. LOL!
The next issue is the fake Facebook page that Rubio and Gowdy claimed that the Cruz campaign had set up, but also said they didn't have proof of that said claim. So, we have a former Prosecutor in Trey Gowdy who is accusing someone before they have the facts. How did that Benghazi hearing work out for Trey? LOL!
Lastly, we get into robocalls regarding Trump's own words on putting the Confederate flag in a museum knowing that 70% of SC want it to stay on capitol grounds, Trump calling it a lie, which it wasn't.
Soooooo, we have these images of trickery and lies when none of them were and it's running, skipping a hopping all over the Internet. It's just amazing how low this country has become.
The only big misstep in my estimation was the Rubio video that Rick Tyler posted. My only take on that is that Rubio has lied so much, it was easy to believe he would be that dumb to say it. Here is what many conservatives and libertarians know about Marco Rubio - written by Justin Amash:
"And while his Senate colleague Marco Rubio pays lip service to inclusivity while actually advocating unwelcoming and unpopular GOP positions from past decades,..."