So, back to the point. God's judgment on California. Whether Noah (futilely) preached repentance before the flood or not, he didn't try to save anyone after the flood started. Why should California be any different? If God wants to kill people, why not let him? Why get in his way?
How do you know you would not be saving the one that God wants dead? That seems more likely, given your claim that these fires are God's doing! Besides, couldn't God save the ones he wants to spare?
I believe you are making a point similar to my earlier one, Tim-Tim; though you’re with tongue in cheek.
If we are supposed to conclude that the travails of the Californians is a direct result of God's just punishment for either their voting to split the Western District of the UPCI or for the sodomy of many of their citizens; we are left to ask ourselves- why should anyone interfere?
Personally I'm left to ask, "Why San Diego County and not San Francisco proper? How have the suburbanites sinned greater than their coastal and urban neighbors? Why do the "bolts" of God's justice strike the innocent?
I am left to conclude that the fires have either a man-made or entirely natural cause. And, personally I believe that "man" is a part of this world and thus an "agent of nature;" I surmise by saying these are natural fires, and not the supernatural flames of the Apocalypse.
So feel free to assist those who are suffering. Relieve the weary, provide aid and comfort for the injured and grieve with those who have lost their possessions and possibly loved ones as a result of this.
Digging through the soils of California we can find that such conflagrations were common even before the time of human settlement in the region.
Every year in the United States 10,000 wildfires are started by lightning and over 200 people are hit. Are they worse sinners than you?
I have no clue.... I just remember Revelation being specifically mentioned. Oh yes, the book of Esther and Song of Solomon were also "barely made it" books.
I believe you are making a point similar to my earlier one, Tim-Tim; though you’re with tongue in cheek.
If we are supposed to conclude that the travails of the Californians is a direct result of God's just punishment for either their voting to split the Western District of the UPCI or for the sodomy of many of their citizens; we are left to ask ourselves- why should anyone interfere?
Personally I'm left to ask, "Why San Diego County and not San Francisco proper? How have the suburbanites sinned greater than their coastal and urban neighbors? Why do the "bolts" of God's justice strike the innocent?
I am left to conclude that the fires have either a man-made or entirely natural cause. And, personally I believe that "man" is a part of this world and thus an "agent of nature;" I surmise by saying these are natural fires, and not the supernatural flames of the Apocalypse.
So feel free to assist those who are suffering. Relieve the weary, provide aid and comfort for the injured and grieve with those who have lost their possessions and possibly loved ones as a result of this.
Digging through the soils of California we can find that such conflagrations were common even before the time of human settlement in the region.
Every year in the United States 10,000 wildfires are started by lightning and over 200 people are hit. Are they worse sinners than you?
Almost certainly not!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Maybe the BofE should have been in the canon. Was it a candidate?
It was in fact included in some canons. Clement, Origen, Tertullian and Saint Augustine all accepted it as genuine. Gradually falling into disfavor, it wasn't until after the 9th Century (800's A.D.) that it fell out of use.
It was and generally still is a part of the Ethiopian Coptic Bible - though due to the work of Western Missionaries other versions of the Bible are used as well there. This might be helpful in understanding the so-called "divine flesh" doctrines of some Ethiopians today. In some cases they really are reading a different Bible than we are.
I believe you are making a point similar to my earlier one, Tim-Tim; though you’re with tongue in cheek.
If we are supposed to conclude that the travails of the Californians is a direct result of God's just punishment for either their voting to split the Western District of the UPCI or for the sodomy of many of their citizens; we are left to ask ourselves- why should anyone interfere?
Personally I'm left to ask, "Why San Diego County and not San Francisco proper? How have the suburbanites sinned greater than their coastal and urban neighbors? Why do the "bolts" of God's justice strike the innocent?
I am left to conclude that the fires have either a man-made or entirely natural cause. And, personally I believe that "man" is a part of this world and thus an "agent of nature;" I surmise by saying these are natural fires, and not the supernatural flames of the Apocalypse.
So feel free to assist those who are suffering. Relieve the weary, provide aid and comfort for the injured and grieve with those who have lost their possessions and possibly loved ones as a result of this.
Digging through the soils of California we can find that such conflagrations were common even before the time of human settlement in the region.
Every year in the United States 10,000 wildfires are started by lightning and over 200 people are hit. Are they worse sinners than you?
Yes its true. The Almighty has not forgotten what goes on in this world. Just of late several things have happened we should have took note of. The California lawmakers have shoved legislation through to bless the preaching of Sodom in their schools.
A little while back also San Diego forced their firefighters to take part in a wicked gay pride day celebration at the risk of being fired.
Californication is/was whatever its current state a wicked statement about this State. Sorry friends I know many may be indignant about this but have you forgotten the example of Sodom?
Originally Posted by crakjak
One question, why is San Francisco spared?
NO fires in SF....odd. Uh...California has fires like this every year. Some years are worse than others. God usually gives a warning to someone so they know for a fact this is why it happened. So what were all the other fires for? What were all the other earth quakes for? These things happen every year, all the time..legislation or no legislation....firemen in a parade or not....they happen.
Bad things happen with or without God intentionally bringing judgement on a nation. Why was San Bernadino hit? Why was Orange Country hit? Why was Ventura county hit? Was LA county hit?
It would seem then the biggest offender is SF. Also the whole city of Sodom was given over to this....excuse me but we did NOT vote on this piece of law! There was no vote. Nor was everyone in agreement with it.
Abraham was asked or told that if there were at least 10 Righteous left in Sodom he would not destroy it. So by using that analogy he is saying ALL Californians are reprobate homosexuals?
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
NO fires in SF....odd. Uh...California has fires like this every year. Some years are worse than others. God usually gives a warning to someone so they know for a fact this is why it happened. So what were all the other fires for? What were all the other earth quakes for? These things happen every year, all the time..legislation or no legislation....firemen in a parade or not....they happen.
Bad things happen with or without God intentionally bringing judgement on a nation. Why was San Bernadino hit? Why was Orange Country hit? Why was Ventura county hit? Was LA county hit?
It would seem then the biggest offender is SF. Also the whole city of Sodom was given over to this....excuse me but we did NOT vote on this piece of law! There was no vote. Nor was everyone in agreement with it.
Abraham was asked or told that if there were at least 10 Righteous left in Sodom he would not destroy it. So by using that analogy he is saying ALL Californians are reprobate homosexuals?
Well.... I certainly hope not! I don't want to have to get all up in arms and everything! LOL! But seriously, I agree.