Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
Seriously, you need to get out of your little box and go meet some people...
Yawn, this is rich, once again another devotee of Trinitarian sympathizing has inserted foot in mouth. How many Bible studies (with non-Christians) are you involved in during a week?
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
Because that man with his testimony has done more for people and reached more people and shown more people Christ than you will ever in your entire life in the last 3 years....
Oh you're on a role now, would you like to know about those in other religions who have testimonies of changed lives? We are supposed to be following the Truth of the Gospel, not people who have learned to control their behavior through self-discipline.
Your homeboy needs to get saved through the waterway in Jesus name and filled with THE Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues. While your hero is trying to figure out who in the Godhead he will pray to tonight, maybe you can seek him out and give him a Bible study? That is if you yourself are a One-God believer.
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
So, seriously, back off,
Are you kidding? Getting a little angry tonight? Take it easy Tarzan, your rock star needs salvation. Instead of getting angry with me you should be making an attempt to explain the way of the Lord more perfectly to him.
Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84
you have no clue what you are talking about.
Oh but I do, I know perfectly well what I speak of, you my boy are just getting upset because you know I'm right.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa