Shalom Shalom:
Originally Posted by ApostolicTexas
It was a real tangible glorifed body that was taken from the earth and was seen NO MORE by anyone after
Acts 1:9-11..It is assumed by some here this body went on to sit on a throne somehwere in Heaven.No one knows just as know one knew what happended to the body of Moses [a type of Christ]..I do not believe it is necessary to know or understand simply because God no longer needed the suit of flesh anymore..after the ascension..All was fulfilled..the purpose for the manifestation of God was accomplished..Christ now indwells His Church and we are members of His Body today..Christ fills all in all..To see Jesus is to see him in His saints! We are HIS ambssador his representives..
You miss the point of what is actually being said.NO man knoweth isnt the same thing as NO HUMAN BEING KNOWS.It is actually stating that any person not knowing GOD dosent know however a TRUE CHILD OF GOD should know where Moses is burried at.
Eph 4:5 Plus the Mt Transfiguration says so.Bible also says GOD will draw all man ,born again unto himself for salvation or NON Saved unto himself for eternal punishment.GOD in christ reconciling the WORLD which does include Moses by the way.