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Old 07-10-2012, 09:19 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Forum Name Change

I don't know if any backslides, but I do know that some show their backside.
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:36 AM
Titus2woman Titus2woman is offline

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Re: Forum Name Change

Originally Posted by kerry View Post
Love the UPC i have short hair..no one ever bugs me about it..respect the pastor.. doesnt bug me about it..

Are you a man???
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:42 AM
Titus2woman Titus2woman is offline

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Re: Forum Name Change

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I'm on other forums as well, mainly aquarium ones, and they are all usually pretty cordial.

The BIG difference is that none of these forums have discussions about lifestyles and condemning others who don't fit a particular one. Now granted we have had some pretty spirited talks about the pro's and con's of having a trickle filter on a reef tank (I am against it for all those who may be wondering) but no one has EVER used the word "backslidder!" when talking about someone who used to use one but no longer does.
I'm on a cow/homesteading type forum and a few years back we had a religious discussion in earnest. There were lots of angry posts, things got out of control and someone went and started a Christian cow/homesteading type forum... There was a big exodus from one forum to the other of, presumably, the Christians... It only took a couple of months for these people, many of whom had been together for years on the other forum, to start on issues of doctrine and literally eat each other alive. Participation dropped off to nil as one after the other did not get their way about something and left...

In the mean time the other fourm banned discussion of religion and now sticks to cows/homesteading and every other related topic and things are again peaceful.

The moral of the story is I think we do pretty good for handling such hot-potato issues
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:45 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Forum Name Change

Originally Posted by houston View Post
I hereby petition the powers that be to consider changing the name of this forum by removing "apostolic," or adding "ex" or "X" as a prefix to "apostolic."

Let's face it. Many, if not most of us were introduced to the Pharisee/Legalistic brand of the Apostolic church. Many, if not most of us have been freed from a form of the bewitching that the Apostle Paul wrote against in Galatians.

Seeing as how we are the constituents that have been called out from among them, I see no purpose to continue to use the title of "apostolic." We left them. They did not leave us.

For some of you it will be hard to let go. The word "apostolic" makes you nostalgic. You become reminiscent of many precious memories. Memories of camp meeting. Brush arbor days, etc.

It is time to stop living in the past. We need to rise up and embrace the bright future ahead of us.

The legalistic church is not going to be the conduit that brings the next wave of revival. It is you and I, us, we are the conduits. The time is here...
"Apostolic" merely means "As the Apostles" or "Apostle-like". I'm still "Apostolic". It's organizations that have legalistic standards. Interestingly, the legalistic mindset gets so deep into our character, sometimes we become legalistic and don't realize it. For example, bantering over the name of a forum. lol
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Old 07-11-2012, 01:28 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Forum Name Change

Originally Posted by Titus2woman View Post
I'm on a cow/homesteading type forum and a few years back we had a religious discussion in earnest. There were lots of angry posts, things got out of control and someone went and started a Christian cow/homesteading type forum... There was a big exodus from one forum to the other of, presumably, the Christians... It only took a couple of months for these people, many of whom had been together for years on the other forum, to start on issues of doctrine and literally eat each other alive. Participation dropped off to nil as one after the other did not get their way about something and left...

In the mean time the other fourm banned discussion of religion and now sticks to cows/homesteading and every other related topic and things are again peaceful.

The moral of the story is I think we do pretty good for handling such hot-potato issues
We do and am also glad that it is allowed period. I still remember my initial shock when I came to my first message board and saw that many of these sacred cow topics were even being discussed!
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Old 07-11-2012, 01:38 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Forum Name Change

I once went to a upci forum for ministers only. While I was not allowed to post, I was allowed to read. There was a young minister there disputing the NT scriptural premise of the tithe.

When the others there could not persuade him of their pov, they ended up banning him from posting. It was their forum and they had the right to allow or not allow, but I thought their stance was arrogant.

This is a very unique forum where free discussion is allowed. True freedom in this country resulted from dissension. Freedom of discussion allows other pov's, but rarely changes anybody else's mind. I would like to think that everybody here is of that understanding when they post.
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