RD, you are on my ignore list. I choose to ignore those who no longer believe in true supernatural miracles. And while you attack me, I still believe in the true power of God. Your hatefulness is uncanny. Glad you are gone as you are from my life.
Peace, love, and blackeyed peas.
-All over the world, I see Apostolic revival and reformation breaking forth. We are seeing the end time dichotomy, both the falling away and great revival. May it continue throughout the lands.
Bro. William M. Price
RD, you are on my ignore list. I choose to ignore those who no longer believe in true supernatural miracles. And while you attack me, I still believe in the true power of God. Your hatefulness is uncanny. Glad you are gone as you are from my life.
Peace, love, and blackeyed peas.
Oh this so hurts. Typical. At least I'm uncanny. See you on the flip-flop.
__________________ "I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
Because that is the equivalent of leg lengthening. If some feat of legerdemain is a well known crowd pleaser, why would God choose to use THAT as a proof if the miraculous? It would be like God giving one of his "ministers" the gift of sawing a woman in half.
I do not think God cares what people think of why He does whatever if He is helping people. Jesus warned us of slanderers. It's par for the course. If God cared what slanderers thought of His works in the manner you propose, He would not let them live.
Also for Timmy, no I do not believe we are to accept every claim of a miracle. We do have to compare it with the Word. Moses told the people that false prophets are known by their claims that do not come to pass, but also if a miracle is done but another is endorsed in it.
And miracles do not even make me think the person is necessarily a true prophet either. Jesus said not everyone who says LORD LORD and performs wonders is in the kingdom. But he never said they were not genuine miracles either. Also, I know there are fakes and have been fakes. But you cannot have a fake unless there is a genuine.
I think people get on the warpath of hunting for the fakes since they thing the miraculous confirms a person's salvation, when it does not.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
I do not think God cares what people think of why He does whatever if He is helping people. Jesus warned us of slanderers. It's par for the course. If God cared what slanderers thought of His works in the manner you propose, He would not let them live.
Also for Timmy, no I do not believe we are to accept every claim of a miracle. We do have to compare it with the Word. Moses told the people that false prophets are known by their claims that do not come to pass, but also if a miracle is done but another is endorsed in it.
And miracles do not even make me think the person is necessarily a true prophet either. Jesus said not everyone who says LORD LORD and performs wonders is in the kingdom. But he never said they were not genuine miracles either. Also, I know there are fakes and have been fakes. But you cannot have a fake unless there is a genuine.
I think people get on the warpath of hunting for the fakes since they thing the miraculous confirms a person's salvation, when it does not.
The Bible promises signs, and warns about false signs. But there is no way to tell them apart. Weird. Discernment itself is just as uncertain: some with discern differently from others, and then what do you do?
As for "you cannot have a fake unless there is a genuine"? I feel I can go out on a limb here and say with utter certainty, that is wrong. You absolutely can have a fake anything without the need for the real thing to exist. It is entirely possible to have fake leprechauns, even if no real leprechauns exist.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
The Bible promises signs, and warns about false signs. But there is no way to tell them apart. Weird. Discernment itself is just as uncertain: some with discern differently from others, and then what do you do?
By their fruits you shall know them. Do they offer true life of God as the Word relates? Fruit of life or fruit of knowledge of good and evil?
As for "you cannot have a fake unless there is a genuine"? I feel I can go out on a limb here and say with utter certainty, that is wrong. You absolutely can have a fake anything without the need for the real thing to exist. It is entirely possible to have fake leprechauns, even if no real leprechauns exist.
In that sense I agree with you. But I think it is offkey. It is not whether there are fake leprechauns or not in your example, but fake BEINGS.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
The Bible promises signs, and warns about false signs. But there is no way to tell them apart. Weird. Discernment itself is just as uncertain: some with discern differently from others, and then what do you do?
As for "you cannot have a fake unless there is a genuine"? I feel I can go out on a limb here and say with utter certainty, that is wrong. You absolutely can have a fake anything without the need for the real thing to exist. It is entirely possible to have fake leprechauns, even if no real leprechauns exist.
That is hilarious! I read that initial line and thought of "fake leprechauns" as well! Another example would be someone dressing up as a Vulcan at a Star Trek convention would not necessarily mean that real Vulcans exist.
Oh this so hurts. Typical. At least I'm uncanny. See you on the flip-flop.
Toooooo funny!!!!!!!!!! :
On the flip side, I wish I could talk you into flopping after you flipped many years ago. You were not completely happy before you flipped. On the flip side, you will never be completely happy until you flop back. Did you ever think that there might be a comfortable zone somewhere between the flip and the flop? Consistency is not always a virtue.
Luff ya, brutha David.